

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file contains a single test function, Test28RemoveTemplateChannelLink, which tests the removal of a channel link from templates in a database. The test sets up the necessary test environment, executes a migration to a specific database state, checks the initial state of the data, applies the migration being tested, and then checks that the data has been correctly updated as expected.



This method is a test function that verifies the removal of a channel link from templates in a database. It performs the following steps:

  1. Sets up the test environment.
  2. Executes a migration to a specific database state using a SQL file.
  3. Checks the initial state of two struct objects representing a board and a template in the database.
  4. Applies the migration being tested, which is MigrateToStep(28).
  5. Re-queries and checks the state of the board and template objects to ensure the changes were correctly applied.


package migrationstests

import (


func Test28RemoveTemplateChannelLink(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("should correctly remove the channel link from templates", func(t *testing.T) {
		th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
		defer tearDown()


		// first we check that the data has the expected shape
		board := struct {
			ID          string
			Is_template bool
			Channel_id  string

		template := struct {
			ID          string
			Is_template bool
			Channel_id  string

		bErr := th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, is_template, channel_id FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'board-id'")
		require.NoError(t, bErr)
		require.False(t, board.Is_template)
		require.Equal(t, "linked-channel", board.Channel_id)

		tErr := th.f.DB().Get(&template, "SELECT id, is_template, channel_id FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'template-id'")
		require.NoError(t, tErr)
		require.True(t, template.Is_template)
		require.Equal(t, "linked-channel", template.Channel_id)

		// we apply the migration

		// then we reuse the structs to load again the data and check
		// that the changes were correctly applied
		bErr = th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, is_template, channel_id FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'board-id'")
		require.NoError(t, bErr)
		require.False(t, board.Is_template)
		require.Equal(t, "linked-channel", board.Channel_id)

		tErr = th.f.DB().Get(&template, "SELECT id, is_template, channel_id FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'template-id'")
		require.NoError(t, tErr)
		require.True(t, template.Is_template)
		require.Empty(t, template.Channel_id)