

Last updated at: 28/12/2023 01:42



This file defines interfaces for two different strategies used in the Live Markdown plugin.



This interface defines the structure of an inline strategy used in the Live Markdown plugin. It contains the following properties:

  • style: A string representing the inline style.
  • findStyleRanges: A function that takes a ContentBlock object and returns an array of arrays containing the start and end positions of style ranges in the text.
  • findDelimiterRanges (optional): A function that takes a ContentBlock object and the style ranges and returns an array of arrays containing the start and end positions of delimiter ranges in the text.
  • delimiterStyle (optional): A string representing the style of delimiters.
  • styles (optional): A CSSProperties object representing the styles to apply to the matched text.
  • delimiterStyles (optional): A CSSProperties object representing the styles to apply to the delimiters.


This interface defines the structure of a block strategy used in the Live Markdown plugin. It contains the following properties:

  • type: A string representing the block type.
  • className: A string representing the class name to apply to the block.
  • mapBlockType: A function that takes a ContentState object and returns a new ContentState object.
// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import * as React from 'react'
import {ContentBlock, ContentState} from 'draft-js'

export interface InlineStrategy {
    style: string
    findStyleRanges: (text: ContentBlock) => number[][]
    findDelimiterRanges?: (text: ContentBlock, styleRanges: number[][]) => number[][]
    delimiterStyle?: string
    styles?: React.CSSProperties
    delimiterStyles?: React.CSSProperties

export interface BlockStrategy {
    type: string
    className: string
    mapBlockType: (state: ContentState) => ContentState