

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file contains the implementation of the registerSystemRoutes method and the handleHello and handlePing methods of the API struct in the api package.



This method is responsible for registering the system routes for the API. It adds the "/hello" and "/ping" endpoints to the provided mux.Router, with the corresponding HTTP methods.


This method handles the GET request to the "/hello" endpoint. It responds with the string "Hello" if the web service is running.


This method handles the GET request to the "/ping" endpoint. It responds with the server metadata in JSON format if the web service is running. The server metadata is obtained from the app field of the API struct and marshaled into JSON.

package api

import (


func (a *API) registerSystemRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
	// System APIs
	r.HandleFunc("/hello", a.handleHello).Methods("GET")
	r.HandleFunc("/ping", a.handlePing).Methods("GET")

func (a *API) handleHello(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// swagger:operation GET /hello hello
	// Responds with `Hello` if the web service is running.
	// ---
	// produces:
	// - text/plain
	// responses:
	//   '200':
	//     description: success
	stringResponse(w, "Hello")

func (a *API) handlePing(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// swagger:operation GET /ping ping
	// Responds with server metadata if the web service is running.
	// ---
	// produces:
	// - application/json
	// responses:
	//   '200':
	//     description: success
	serverMetadata :=

	if a.singleUserToken != "" {
		serverMetadata.SKU = "personal_desktop"

	if serverMetadata.Edition == "plugin" {
		serverMetadata.SKU = "suite"

	bytes, err := json.Marshal(serverMetadata)
	if err != nil {
		a.errorResponse(w, r, err)

	jsonStringResponse(w, 200, string(bytes))