

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



The file logger_backend.go contains the code for the backend implementation of a notify logger. It provides methods for starting and shutting down the logger, handling block change events, and returning the name of the backend.


New(logger mlog.LoggerIFace, level mlog.Level) *Backend

This method creates a new instance of the Backend struct with the given logger and log level.

Start() error

This method starts the logger backend. It currently does nothing and always returns nil.

ShutDown() error

This method shuts down the logger backend. It flushes the logger and always returns nil.

BlockChanged(evt notify.BlockChangeEvent) error

This method handles block change events. It extracts relevant information from the event (such as action, board, card, and block ID) and logs them using the logger with the specified log level. It always returns nil.

Name() string

This method returns the name of the logger backend, which is "notifyLogger".

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

package notifylogger

import (


const (
	backendName = "notifyLogger"

type Backend struct {
	logger mlog.LoggerIFace
	level  mlog.Level

func New(logger mlog.LoggerIFace, level mlog.Level) *Backend {
	return &Backend{
		logger: logger,
		level:  level,

func (b *Backend) Start() error {
	return nil

func (b *Backend) ShutDown() error {
	_ = b.logger.Flush()
	return nil

func (b *Backend) BlockChanged(evt notify.BlockChangeEvent) error {
	var board string
	var card string

	if evt.Board != nil {
		board = evt.Board.Title
	if evt.Card != nil {
		card = evt.Card.Title

	b.logger.Log(b.level, "Block change event",
		mlog.String("action", string(evt.Action)),
		mlog.String("board", board),
		mlog.String("card", card),
		mlog.String("block_id", evt.BlockChanged.ID),
	return nil

func (b *Backend) Name() string {
	return backendName