

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file contains Go code for the User and Session structs, as well as related methods for working with user data.



The User struct represents a user in the system. It has properties such as ID, Username, Email, Nickname, FirstName, LastName, Password, MfaSecret, AuthService, AuthData, CreateAt, UpdateAt, DeleteAt, IsBot, IsGuest, Permissions, and Roles.


The Session struct represents a user session in the system. It has properties such as ID, Token, UserID, AuthService, Props, CreateAt, and UpdateAt.



This method takes a io.Reader as input and decodes the JSON data into a pointer to a User struct.


This method sanitizes the user data by removing sensitive fields such as Password and MfaSecret. It also has an optional options parameter that can be used to specify which fields to keep.

package model

import (

const (
	SingleUser                    = "single-user"
	GlobalTeamID                  = "0"
	SystemUserID                  = "system"
	PreferencesCategoryFocalboard = "focalboard"

// User is a user
// swagger:model
type User struct {
	// The user ID
	// required: true
	ID string `json:"id"`

	// The user name
	// required: true
	Username string `json:"username"`

	// The user's email
	// required: true
	Email string `json:"-"`

	// The user's nickname
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	// The user's first name
	FirstName string `json:"firstname"`
	// The user's last name
	LastName string `json:"lastname"`

	// swagger:ignore
	Password string `json:"-"`

	// swagger:ignore
	MfaSecret string `json:"-"`

	// swagger:ignore
	AuthService string `json:"-"`

	// swagger:ignore
	AuthData string `json:"-"`

	// Created time in miliseconds since the current epoch
	// required: true
	CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at,omitempty"`

	// Updated time in miliseconds since the current epoch
	// required: true
	UpdateAt int64 `json:"update_at,omitempty"`

	// Deleted time in miliseconds since the current epoch, set to indicate user is deleted
	// required: true
	DeleteAt int64 `json:"delete_at"`

	// If the user is a bot or not
	// required: true
	IsBot bool `json:"is_bot"`

	// If the user is a guest or not
	// required: true
	IsGuest bool `json:"is_guest"`

	// Special Permissions the user may have
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

	Roles string `json:"roles"`

// UserPreferencesPatch is a user property patch
// swagger:model
type UserPreferencesPatch struct {
	// The user preference updated fields
	// required: false
	UpdatedFields map[string]string `json:"updatedFields"`

	// The user preference removed fields
	// required: false
	DeletedFields []string `json:"deletedFields"`

type Session struct {
	ID          string                 `json:"id"`
	Token       string                 `json:"token"`
	UserID      string                 `json:"user_id"`
	AuthService string                 `json:"authService"`
	Props       map[string]interface{} `json:"props"`
	CreateAt    int64                  `json:"create_at,omitempty"`
	UpdateAt    int64                  `json:"update_at,omitempty"`

func UserFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*User, error) {
	var user User
	if err := json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&user); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &user, nil

func (u *User) Sanitize(options map[string]bool) {
	u.Password = ""
	u.MfaSecret = ""

	if len(options) != 0 && !options["email"] {
		u.Email = ""
	if len(options) != 0 && !options["fullname"] {
		u.FirstName = ""
		u.LastName = ""