

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file contains test functions for the password hashing and password validation functions of the auth package.



This test function tests the HashPassword function by comparing the hashed password with the original password using the ComparePassword function. It asserts that the passwords match and that the passwords do not match.


This test function tests the IsPasswordValid function with different password settings. It loops through a map of test cases and checks if the password meets the expected criteria. If the password does not meet the criteria, it checks if the correct error is returned.

package auth

import (


func TestPasswordHash(t *testing.T) {
	hash := HashPassword("Test")

	assert.True(t, ComparePassword(hash, "Test"), "Passwords don't match")
	assert.False(t, ComparePassword(hash, "Test2"), "Passwords should not have matched")

func TestIsPasswordValidWithSettings(t *testing.T) {
	for name, tc := range map[string]struct {
		Password                 string
		Settings                 PasswordSettings
		ExpectedFailingCriterias []string
		"Short": {
			Password: strings.Repeat("x", 3),
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
		"Long": {
			Password: strings.Repeat("x", PasswordMaximumLength),
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
		"TooShort": {
			Password: strings.Repeat("x", 2),
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"min-length"},
		"TooLong": {
			Password: strings.Repeat("x", PasswordMaximumLength+1),
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"max-length"},
		"MissingLower": {
			Password: "AAAAAAAAAAASD123!@#",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     true,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"lowercase"},
		"MissingUpper": {
			Password: "aaaaaaaaaaaaasd123!@#",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Uppercase:     true,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
				Symbol:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"uppercase"},
		"MissingNumber": {
			Password: "asasdasdsadASD!@#",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Number:        true,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Symbol:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"number"},
		"MissingSymbol": {
			Password: "asdasdasdasdasdASD123",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Symbol:        true,
				Lowercase:     false,
				Uppercase:     false,
				Number:        false,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"symbol"},
		"MissingMultiple": {
			Password: "asdasdasdasdasdasd",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     true,
				Uppercase:     true,
				Number:        true,
				Symbol:        true,
			ExpectedFailingCriterias: []string{"uppercase", "number", "symbol"},
		"Everything": {
			Password: "asdASD!@#123",
			Settings: PasswordSettings{
				MinimumLength: 3,
				Lowercase:     true,
				Uppercase:     true,
				Number:        true,
				Symbol:        true,
	} {
		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
			err := IsPasswordValid(tc.Password, tc.Settings)
			if len(tc.ExpectedFailingCriterias) == 0 {
				assert.NoError(t, err)
			} else {
				require.Error(t, err)
				var errFC *InvalidPasswordError
				if assert.ErrorAs(t, err, &errFC) {
					assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedFailingCriterias, errFC.FailingCriterias)