

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file contains two methods in the sqlstore package:

  • removeDefaultTemplates: This method is responsible for deleting all the default templates and their children from the database.
  • getTemplateBoards: This method fetches all the template boards from the database.



This method takes a database connection and a slice of boards as input. It iterates through each board in the slice and checks if it was created by the system user. If it is a default template, the method constructs a delete query using the squirrel package and deletes the template from the "boards" and "blocks" tables. It then logs the removal of the default template and updates the counter. Finally, it returns an error if any deletion operation fails.


This method takes a database connection, a team ID, and a user ID as input. It constructs a select query using the squirrel package to fetch all template boards from the "boards" table. The query includes a join condition with the "board_members" table to include public templates even if there is no board member entry. The method executes the query, processes the rows, and returns a slice of model.Board objects representing the template boards. It also logs any errors that occur during the execution of the query.

package sqlstore

import (

	sq ""


var (
	ErrUnsupportedDatabaseType = errors.New("database type is unsupported")

// removeDefaultTemplates deletes all the default templates and their children.
func (s *SQLStore) removeDefaultTemplates(db sq.BaseRunner, boards []*model.Board) error {
	count := 0
	for _, board := range boards {
		if board.CreatedBy != model.SystemUserID {
		// default template deletion does not need to go to blocks_history
		deleteQuery := s.getQueryBuilder(db).
			Delete(s.tablePrefix + "boards").
			Where(sq.Eq{"id": board.ID}).
			Where(sq.Eq{"is_template": true})

		if _, err := deleteQuery.Exec(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete default template %s: %w", board.ID, err)

		deleteQuery = s.getQueryBuilder(db).
			Delete(s.tablePrefix + "blocks").
				sq.Eq{"parent_id": board.ID},
				sq.Eq{"root_id": board.ID},
				sq.Eq{"board_id": board.ID},

		if _, err := deleteQuery.Exec(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete default template %s: %w", board.ID, err)

		s.logger.Trace("removed default template block",
			mlog.String("board_id", board.ID),

	s.logger.Debug("Removed default templates", mlog.Int("count", count))

	return nil

// getTemplateBoards fetches all template boards .
func (s *SQLStore) getTemplateBoards(db sq.BaseRunner, teamID, userID string) ([]*model.Board, error) {
	query := s.getQueryBuilder(db).
		From(s.tablePrefix+"boards as b").
		LeftJoin(s.tablePrefix+"board_members as bm on = bm.board_id and bm.user_id = ?", userID).
		Where(sq.Eq{"is_template": true}).
		Where(sq.Eq{"b.team_id": teamID}).
			// this is to include public templates even if there is not board_member entry
				sq.Eq{"bm.board_id": nil},
				sq.Eq{"b.type": model.BoardTypeOpen},
				sq.NotEq{"bm.board_id": nil},

	rows, err := query.Query()
	if err != nil {
		s.logger.Error(`getTemplateBoards ERROR`, mlog.Err(err))
		return nil, err
	defer s.CloseRows(rows)

	userTemplates, err := s.boardsFromRows(rows)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return userTemplates, nil