

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



This file, errors.ts, contains code related to error handling and defines an enum, a type, and a function.



This method takes an ErrorId as a parameter and returns an ErrorDef object. The errorDefFromId method is used to generate an error definition based on the provided ErrorId. It sets the appropriate title, button text, button redirects, and other properties of the ErrorDef object based on the given ErrorId. It utilizes the useIntl method from react-intl to format the messages for the error.


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import {useIntl} from 'react-intl'

import {UserSettings} from './userSettings'

enum ErrorId {
    TeamUndefined = 'team-undefined',
    NotLoggedIn = 'not-logged-in',
    InvalidReadOnlyBoard = 'invalid-read-only-board',
    BoardNotFound = 'board-not-found',

type ErrorDef = {
    title: string

    button1Enabled: boolean
    button1Text: string
    button1Redirect: string | ((params: URLSearchParams) => string)
    button1Fill: boolean
    button1ClearHistory: boolean

    button2Enabled: boolean
    button2Text: string
    button2Redirect: string | ((params: URLSearchParams) => string)
    button2Fill: boolean
    button2ClearHistory: boolean

function errorDefFromId(id: ErrorId | null): ErrorDef {
    const errDef: ErrorDef = {
        title: '',
        button1Enabled: false,
        button1Text: '',
        button1Redirect: '',
        button1Fill: false,
        button1ClearHistory: false,
        button2Enabled: false,
        button2Text: '',
        button2Redirect: '',
        button2Fill: false,
        button2ClearHistory: false,

    const intl = useIntl()

    switch (id) {
    case ErrorId.TeamUndefined: {
        errDef.title = intl.formatMessage({id: '', defaultMessage: 'Not a valid team.'})
        errDef.button1Enabled = true
        errDef.button1Text = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.back-to-home', defaultMessage: 'Back to Home'})
        errDef.button1Redirect = (): string => {
            return window.location.origin
        errDef.button1Fill = true
    case ErrorId.BoardNotFound: {
        errDef.title = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.board-not-found', defaultMessage: 'Board not found.'})
        errDef.button1Enabled = true
        errDef.button1Text = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.back-to-team', defaultMessage: 'Back to team'})
        errDef.button1Redirect = '/'
        errDef.button1Fill = true
    case ErrorId.NotLoggedIn: {
        errDef.title = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.not-logged-in', defaultMessage: 'Your session may have expired or you\'re not logged in. Log in again to access Boards.'})
        errDef.button1Enabled = true
        errDef.button1Text = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.go-login', defaultMessage: 'Log in'})
        errDef.button1Redirect = '/login'
        errDef.button1Redirect = (params: URLSearchParams): string => {
            const r = params.get('r')
            if (r) {
                return `/login?r=${r}`
            return '/login'
        errDef.button1Fill = true
    case ErrorId.InvalidReadOnlyBoard: {
        errDef.title = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.invalid-read-only-board', defaultMessage: 'You don\'t have access to this board. Log in to access Boards.'})
        errDef.button1Enabled = true
        errDef.button1Text = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.go-login', defaultMessage: 'Log in'})
        errDef.button1Redirect = (): string => {
            return window.location.origin
        errDef.button1Fill = true
    default: {
        errDef.title = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.unknown', defaultMessage: 'An error occurred.'})
        errDef.button1Enabled = true
        errDef.button1Text = intl.formatMessage({id: 'error.back-to-home', defaultMessage: 'Back to Home'})
        errDef.button1Redirect = '/'
        errDef.button1Fill = true
        errDef.button1ClearHistory = true
    return errDef

export {ErrorId, ErrorDef, errorDefFromId}