

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file contains a single function called findRangesWithRegex that accepts a text and a regular expression as parameters and returns an array of number ranges.



The findRangesWithRegex method is a function that takes a text and a regular expression as input and returns an array of number ranges. It uses the exec method of the regular expression to find matches in the text, and for each match, it adds a range to the ranges array. The range consists of the starting index and the ending index of the match in the text. The method continues to find matches until no more matches are found. Finally, it returns the ranges array.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
const findRangesWithRegex = (text: string, regex: RegExp): number[][] => {
    const ranges: number[][] = []
    let matches

    do {
        matches = regex.exec(text)
        if (matches) {
            ranges.push([matches.index, (matches.index + matches[0].length) - 1])
    } while (matches)

    return ranges

export default findRangesWithRegex