

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file contains two interfaces InlineStrategy and BlockStrategy that define the structure and behavior of different strategies for rendering Markdown content in a React component.



This interface defines the structure and behavior of an inline strategy used for rendering Markdown content. It has the following properties:

  • style: Specifies the CSS style to apply to the text.
  • findStyleRanges: A function that takes a ContentBlock and returns an array of style ranges for the text within the block.
  • findDelimiterRanges (optional): A function that takes a ContentBlock and the previously computed style ranges, and returns an array of delimiter ranges.
  • delimiterStyle (optional): Specifies the CSS style to apply to the delimiters.
  • styles (optional): Additional CSS styles to apply to the rendered component.
  • delimiterStyles (optional): Additional CSS styles to apply to the rendered component for delimiters.


This interface defines the structure and behavior of a block strategy used for rendering Markdown content. It has the following properties:

  • type: Specifies the block type (e.g., "header-one", "blockquote") for the content.
  • className: Specifies the CSS class name to apply to the rendered component.
  • mapBlockType: A function that maps the state of the ContentState to a new ContentState with the specified block type.
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import * as React from 'react'
import {ContentBlock, ContentState} from 'draft-js'

export interface InlineStrategy {
    style: string
    findStyleRanges: (text: ContentBlock) => number[][]
    findDelimiterRanges?: (text: ContentBlock, styleRanges: number[][]) => number[][]
    delimiterStyle?: string
    styles?: React.CSSProperties
    delimiterStyles?: React.CSSProperties

export interface BlockStrategy {
    type: string
    className: string
    mapBlockType: (state: ContentState) => ContentState