

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file contains a functional component TeamToBoardAndViewRedirect that handles redirections based on team, board, and view parameters. It imports various functions and hooks from other files to manage the state and perform the desired redirects.


No methods are defined in this file.


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {useEffect} from 'react'
import {generatePath, useHistory, useRouteMatch} from 'react-router-dom'

import {getBoards, getCurrentBoardId} from '../../store/boards'
import {setCurrent as setCurrentView, getCurrentBoardViews} from '../../store/views'
import {useAppSelector, useAppDispatch} from '../../store/hooks'
import {UserSettings} from '../../userSettings'
import {Utils} from '../../utils'
import {getSidebarCategories} from '../../store/sidebar'
import {Constants} from '../../constants'

const TeamToBoardAndViewRedirect = (): null => {
    const boardId = useAppSelector(getCurrentBoardId)
    const boardViews = useAppSelector(getCurrentBoardViews)
    const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
    const history = useHistory()
    const match = useRouteMatch<{boardId: string, viewId: string, cardId?: string, teamId?: string}>()
    const categories = useAppSelector(getSidebarCategories)
    const boards = useAppSelector(getBoards)
    const teamId = match.params.teamId || UserSettings.lastTeamId || Constants.globalTeamId

    useEffect(() => {
        let boardID = match.params.boardId
        if (!match.params.boardId) {
            // first preference is for last visited board
            boardID = UserSettings.lastBoardId[teamId]

            // if last visited board is unavailable, use the first board in categories list
            if (!boardID && categories.length > 0) {
                let goToBoardID: string | null = null

                for (const category of categories) {
                    for (const boardMetadata of category.boardMetadata) {
                        // pick the first category board that exists and is not hidden
                        if (!boardMetadata.hidden && boards[boardMetadata.boardID]) {
                            goToBoardID = boardMetadata.boardID

                // there may even be no boards at all
                if (goToBoardID) {
                    boardID = goToBoardID

            if (boardID) {
                const newPath = generatePath(Utils.getBoardPagePath(match.path), {...match.params, boardId: boardID, viewID: undefined})

                // return from here because the loadBoardData() call
                // will fetch the data to be used below. We'll
                // use it in the next render cycle.

        let viewID = match.params.viewId

        // when a view isn't open,
        // but the data is available, try opening a view
        if ((!viewID || viewID === '0') && boardId && boardId === match.params.boardId && boardViews && boardViews.length > 0) {
            // most recent view gets the first preference
            viewID = UserSettings.lastViewId[boardID]
            if (viewID) {
                UserSettings.setLastViewId(boardID, viewID)
            } else if (boardViews.length > 0) {
                // if most recent view is unavailable, pick the first view
                viewID = boardViews[0].id
                UserSettings.setLastViewId(boardID, viewID)

            if (viewID) {
                const newPath = generatePath(Utils.getBoardPagePath(match.path), {...match.params, viewId: viewID})
    }, [teamId, match.params.boardId, match.params.viewId, categories.length, boardViews.length, boardId])

    return null

export default TeamToBoardAndViewRedirect