

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file, backwardCompatibilityQueryParamsRedirect.tsx, contains a React functional component called BackwardCompatibilityQueryParamsRedirect. This component is not rendering any UI elements but is responsible for checking and transforming old query parameters into routes for backward compatibility. It also handles redirecting to the last viewed board or board view if the current board or board view is not provided. This component is exported as the default export of the file.


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

const BackwardCompatibilityQueryParamsRedirect = (): null => {
    // useEffect(() => {
    //     // Backward compatibility: This can be removed in the future, this is for
    //     // transform the old query params into routes
    //     const queryBoardId = queryString.get('id')
    //     const params = {...match.params}
    //     let needsRedirect = false
    //     if (queryBoardId) {
    //         params.boardId = queryBoardId
    //         needsRedirect = true
    //     }
    //     const queryViewId = queryString.get('v')
    //     if (queryViewId) {
    //         params.viewId = queryViewId
    //         needsRedirect = true
    //     }
    //     const queryCardId = queryString.get('c')
    //     if (queryCardId) {
    //         params.cardId = queryCardId
    //         needsRedirect = true
    //     }
    //     if (needsRedirect) {
    //         const newPath = generatePath(match.path, params)
    //         history.replace(newPath)
    //         return
    //     }
    //     // Backward compatibility end
    //     const boardId = match.params.boardId
    //     const viewId = match.params.viewId === '0' ? '' : match.params.viewId
    //     // TODO use actual team ID here
    //     const teamID = 'atjjg8ofqb8kjnwy15yhezdgoh'
    //     if (!boardId) {
    //         // Load last viewed boardView
    //         const lastBoardId = UserSettings.lastBoardId[teamID] || undefined
    //         const lastViewId = lastBoardId ? UserSettings.lastViewId[lastBoardId] : undefined
    //         if (lastBoardId) {
    //             let newPath = generatePath(match.path, {...match.params, boardId: lastBoardId})
    //             if (lastViewId) {
    //                 newPath = generatePath(match.path, {...match.params, boardId: lastBoardId, viewId: lastViewId})
    //             }
    //             history.replace(newPath)
    //             return
    //         }
    //         return
    //     }
    //     Utils.log(`attachToBoard: ${boardId}`)
    //     // Ensure boardViews is for our boardId before redirecting
    //     const isCorrectBoardView = boardViews.length > 0 && boardViews[0].parentId === boardId
    //     if (!viewId && isCorrectBoardView) {
    //         const newPath = generatePath(match.path, {...match.params, boardId, viewId: boardViews[0].id})
    //         history.replace(newPath)
    //         return
    //     }
    //     UserSettings.setLastBoardID(teamId, boardId || '')
    //     if (boardId !== '') {
    //         UserSettings.setLastViewId(boardId, viewId)
    //     }
    //     dispatch(setCurrentBoard(boardId || ''))
    //     dispatch(setCurrentView(viewId || ''))
    // }, [match.params.boardId, match.params.viewId, boardViews])
    return null

export default BackwardCompatibilityQueryParamsRedirect