

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file exports a class called MultiSelectProperty which represents a multi-select property type. It contains methods for displaying, exporting, and calculating the length of the property value. The class also defines properties related to the type of property and its behavior.



This class represents a multi-select property type. It extends the PropertyType class and implements various methods for displaying, exporting, and calculating the length of the property value. The class also defines properties related to the type of property and its behavior.


No methods found in the provided file.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {IntlShape} from 'react-intl'

import {IPropertyTemplate} from '../../blocks/board'
import {Card} from '../../blocks/card'
import {Utils} from '../../utils'

import {PropertyType, PropertyTypeEnum, FilterValueType} from '../types'

import MultiSelect from './multiselect'

export default class MultiSelectProperty extends PropertyType {
    Editor = MultiSelect
    name = 'MultiSelect'
    type = 'multiSelect' as PropertyTypeEnum
    canFilter = true
    filterValueType = 'options' as FilterValueType
    displayName = (intl: IntlShape) => intl.formatMessage({id: 'PropertyType.MultiSelect', defaultMessage: 'Multi select'})
    displayValue = (propertyValue: string | string[] | undefined, card: Card, propertyTemplate: IPropertyTemplate) => {
        if (propertyValue?.length) {
            const options = propertyTemplate.options.filter((o) => propertyValue.includes(
            if (!options.length) {
                Utils.assertFailure(`Invalid multiSelect option IDs ${propertyValue}, block.title: ${card.title}`)
            return => o.value)
        return ''

    exportValue = (value: string | string[] | undefined, card: Card, template: IPropertyTemplate): string => {
        const displayValue = this.displayValue(value, card, template)
        return ((displayValue as unknown || []) as string[]).join('|')

    valueLength = (value: string | string[] | undefined, card: Card, template: IPropertyTemplate, _: IntlShape, fontDescriptor: string, perItemPadding?: number): number => {
        const displayValue = this.displayValue(value, card, template)
        if (!displayValue) {
            return 0
        const displayValues = displayValue as string[]
        let result = 0
        displayValues.forEach((v) => {
            result += Utils.getTextWidth(v.toUpperCase(), fontDescriptor) + (perItemPadding || 0)
        return result