

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:42



This file defines a SCSS map called $z-index, which assigns specific z-index values to different elements in the project. It includes functions and mixins to retrieve and apply these z-index values.



This is a SCSS function that takes a $key parameter and returns the z-index value associated with that key in the $z-index map.


This is a SCSS mixin that takes a $key parameter and applies the z-index value associated with that key in the $z-index map to the CSS z-index property.


// Keep in descending order to aid in visual grepping
// Usage:
// z-index: map-get($z-index, <key>)
// or
// z-index: z-index(<key>)
// or
// @include z-index(<key>)

$z-index: (
    // key: value
    modal-permissions-label: 1000,
    board-template-selector: 1000,
    notification-box:        1000,
    calculation-dropdown:     999,
    flash-messages:           999,
    tour-tip-backdrop:        999,
    tour-tip-overlay:         999,
    confirmation-dialog-box:  300,
    dialog-back:              200,
    sidebar-hidden:           105,
    center-panel:             100,
    hover-tooltip-body:       100,
    table-row-action-cell:    100,
    hover-tooltip-arrow:       99,
    calendar-options-menu:     30,
    gallery-options-menu:      30,
    sub-menu-option-sub-menu:  16,
    menu:                      15,
    card-value-selector-menu:  10,
    modal:                     10,
    top-bar:                   10,
    workspace-main-frame:       9,
    share-board-element:        5,
    block-hover:                1,
    kanban-board-header:        1,
    table-header:               1,
    value-selector-delete:      1,
    dialog-backdrop:           -1,
    unset:                   unset

@function z-index($key) {
    @return map-get($z-index, $key);

@mixin z-index($key) {
    z-index: z-index($key); /* stylelint-disable-line property-disallowed-list */