

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:43



This file, hooks.ts, contains a single exported function called useMeasurePunchouts which is used to calculate the dimensions and positions of certain elements on the screen. The function takes in an array of element IDs, an array of additional dependencies, and an optional offset as input, and returns an object representing the dimensions and positions of the elements.

Methods (if applicable)


Classes (if applicable)


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react'
import throttle from 'lodash/throttle'

import useElementAvailable from './useElementAvailable'

import {TutorialTourTipPunchout} from './tutorial_tour_tip_backdrop'

type PunchoutOffset = {
    x: number
    y: number
    width: number
    height: number

export function useMeasurePunchouts(elementIds: string[], additionalDeps: any[], offset?: PunchoutOffset): TutorialTourTipPunchout | null | undefined {
    const elementsAvailable = useElementAvailable(elementIds)
    const [size, setSize] = useState<DOMRect>()
    const updateSize = throttle(() => {
    }, 100)

    useLayoutEffect(() => {
        window.addEventListener('resize', updateSize)
        return () =>
            window.removeEventListener('resize', updateSize)
    }, [])

    const channelPunchout = useMemo(() => {
        let minX = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
        let minY = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
        let maxX = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
        let maxY = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER
        for (let i = 0; i < elementIds.length; i++) {
            const rectangle = document.querySelector(elementIds[i])?.getBoundingClientRect()
            if (!rectangle) {
                return null
            if (rectangle.x < minX) {
                minX = rectangle.x
            if (rectangle.y < minY) {
                minY = rectangle.y
            if (rectangle.x + rectangle.width > maxX) {
                maxX = rectangle.x + rectangle.width
            if (rectangle.y + rectangle.height > maxY) {
                maxY = rectangle.y + rectangle.height

        return {
            x: `${minX + (offset ? offset.x : 0)}px`,
            y: `${minY + (offset ? offset.y : 0)}px`,
            width: `${(maxX - minX) + (offset ? offset.width : 0)}px`,
            height: `${(maxY - minY) + (offset ? offset.height : 0)}px`,
    }, [...elementIds, ...additionalDeps, size, elementsAvailable])
    return channelPunchout