

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:46



This file defines a struct NotificationHint and provides methods to validate and manipulate instances of this struct. It also defines an error type ErrInvalidNotificationHint.



This method checks if a NotificationHint instance is valid. It returns an error if the instance is invalid.


This method creates a copy of a NotificationHint instance.


This method creates a clone of a NotificationHint instance with some fields converted to strings.



package model

import (


// NotificationHint provides a hint that a block has been modified and has subscribers that
// should be notified.
// swagger:model
type NotificationHint struct {
	// BlockType is the block type of the entity (e.g. board, card) that was updated
	// required: true
	BlockType BlockType `json:"block_type"`

	// BlockID is id of the entity that was updated
	// required: true
	BlockID string `json:"block_id"`

	// ModifiedByID is the id of the user who made the block change
	ModifiedByID string `json:"modified_by_id"`

	// CreatedAt is the timestamp this notification hint was created in miliseconds since the current epoch
	// required: true
	CreateAt int64 `json:"create_at"`

	// NotifyAt is the timestamp this notification should be scheduled in miliseconds since the current epoch
	// required: true
	NotifyAt int64 `json:"notify_at"`

func (s *NotificationHint) IsValid() error {
	if s == nil {
		return ErrInvalidNotificationHint{"cannot be nil"}
	if s.BlockID == "" {
		return ErrInvalidNotificationHint{"missing block id"}
	if s.BlockType == "" {
		return ErrInvalidNotificationHint{"missing block type"}
	if s.ModifiedByID == "" {
		return ErrInvalidNotificationHint{"missing modified_by id"}
	return nil

func (s *NotificationHint) Copy() *NotificationHint {
	return &NotificationHint{
		BlockType:    s.BlockType,
		BlockID:      s.BlockID,
		ModifiedByID: s.ModifiedByID,
		CreateAt:     s.CreateAt,
		NotifyAt:     s.NotifyAt,

func (s *NotificationHint) LogClone() interface{} {
	return struct {
		BlockType    BlockType `json:"block_type"`
		BlockID      string    `json:"block_id"`
		ModifiedByID string    `json:"modified_by_id"`
		CreateAt     string    `json:"create_at"`
		NotifyAt     string    `json:"notify_at"`
		BlockType:    s.BlockType,
		BlockID:      s.BlockID,
		ModifiedByID: s.ModifiedByID,
		CreateAt:     utils.TimeFromMillis(s.CreateAt).Format(time.StampMilli),
		NotifyAt:     utils.TimeFromMillis(s.NotifyAt).Format(time.StampMilli),

type ErrInvalidNotificationHint struct {
	msg string

func (e ErrInvalidNotificationHint) Error() string {
	return e.msg