

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:46



This file, nativeApp.ts, is responsible for handling the import and export of user settings in the native app. It includes methods for importing native app settings, notifying changes in settings, and posting webkit messages.



This method imports the user settings from the NativeApp object in the native app. If the NativeApp object is undefined or does not have a valid settingsBlob, the method returns without performing any action. If the NativeApp object has a valid settingsBlob, the method imports the user settings using the importUserSettingsBlob function, determines the message type based on whether any keys were imported, and then posts a webkit message containing the message type, updated settings blob, and imported keys. Finally, it sets the settingsBlob property of the NativeApp object to null.


This method notifies changes in user settings by posting a webkit message containing the message type 'didChangeUserSettings', the updated settings blob obtained from the exportUserSettingsBlob function, and the key parameter provided.


This internal helper function posts a webkit message using the window.webkit.messageHandlers.nativeApp.postMessage method. It takes a generic message parameter and passes it to the webkit message handler.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import {IAppWindow} from './types'
import {exportUserSettingsBlob, importUserSettingsBlob} from './userSettings'

declare interface INativeApp {
    settingsBlob: string | null

declare const NativeApp: INativeApp
declare let window: IAppWindow

export function importNativeAppSettings(): void {
    if (typeof NativeApp === 'undefined' || !NativeApp.settingsBlob) {
    const importedKeys = importUserSettingsBlob(NativeApp.settingsBlob)
    const messageType = importedKeys.length ? 'didImportUserSettings' : 'didNotImportUserSettings'
    postWebKitMessage({type: messageType, settingsBlob: exportUserSettingsBlob(), keys: importedKeys})
    NativeApp.settingsBlob = null

export function notifySettingsChanged(key: string): void {
    postWebKitMessage({type: 'didChangeUserSettings', settingsBlob: exportUserSettingsBlob(), key})

function postWebKitMessage<T>(message: T) {