

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:46



The 000009_blocks_history.up.sql file contains a SQL migration script that performs the following actions:

  • Checks if the "blocks_history" table already exists in the database
  • If the "blocks_history" table does not exist, it renames the "blocks" table to "blocks_history"
  • Creates a new table named "blocks" if it does not exist, with several columns such as id, insert_at, parent_id, schema, type, title, fields, create_at, update_at, delete_at, root_id, modified_by, and workspace_id
  • Inserts data from the "blocks_history" table into the "blocks" table (depending on the database type)
  • Deletes rows from the "blocks" table where the delete_at column value is greater than 0





{{- /* Only perform this migration if the blocks_history table does not already exist */ -}}

{{- /* doesTableExist tableName */ -}}
{{if doesTableExist "blocks_history" }}

    SELECT 1;


{{- /* renameTableIfNeeded oldTableName newTableName */ -}}
{{ renameTableIfNeeded "blocks" "blocks_history" }}

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{.prefix}}blocks (
    id VARCHAR(36),
    {{if .postgres}}insert_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),{{end}}
    {{if .sqlite}}insert_at DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT(STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'NOW')),{{end}}
    {{if .mysql}}insert_at DATETIME(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(6),{{end}}
    parent_id VARCHAR(36),
    {{if .mysql}}`schema`{{else}}schema{{end}} BIGINT,
    type TEXT,
    title TEXT,
    fields {{if .postgres}}JSON{{else}}TEXT{{end}},
    create_at BIGINT,
    update_at BIGINT,
    delete_at BIGINT,
    root_id VARCHAR(36),
    modified_by VARCHAR(36),
    workspace_id VARCHAR(36),
    PRIMARY KEY (workspace_id,id)
) {{if .mysql}}DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4{{end}};

{{if .mysql}}
INSERT IGNORE INTO {{.prefix}}blocks (SELECT * FROM {{.prefix}}blocks_history ORDER BY insert_at DESC);
{{if .postgres}}
INSERT INTO {{.prefix}}blocks (SELECT * FROM {{.prefix}}blocks_history ORDER BY insert_at DESC) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
{{if .sqlite}}
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {{.prefix}}blocks SELECT * FROM {{.prefix}}blocks_history ORDER BY insert_at DESC;


DELETE FROM {{.prefix}}blocks where delete_at > 0;