

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:46



This file contains a class called PortUtils that provides methods for checking if a port is free and getting a free port.



This method takes a port number as input and checks if the port is available for use. It creates a socket file descriptor and sets up a socket address structure. It then attempts to bind the socket to the given port and if successful, it listens on the socket for incoming connections. If any of these steps fail, the socket is released and the method returns false. If all steps are successful, the method returns true.


This method iterates through a range of port numbers from 50000 to 65000 and calls the isPortFree method for each port to check if it is available. It returns the first free port it finds, or 0 if no free port is found.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import Foundation

class PortUtils {
	static func isPortFree(_ port: in_port_t) -> Bool {
		let socketFileDescriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
		if socketFileDescriptor == -1 {
			return false

		var addr = sockaddr_in()
		let sizeOfSockkAddr = MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in>.size
		addr.sin_len = __uint8_t(sizeOfSockkAddr)
		addr.sin_family = sa_family_t(AF_INET)
		addr.sin_port = Int(OSHostByteOrder()) == OSLittleEndian ? _OSSwapInt16(port) : port
		addr.sin_addr = in_addr(s_addr: inet_addr(""))
		addr.sin_zero = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
		var bind_addr = sockaddr()
		memcpy(&bind_addr, &addr, Int(sizeOfSockkAddr))

		if Darwin.bind(socketFileDescriptor, &bind_addr, socklen_t(sizeOfSockkAddr)) == -1 {
			release(socket: socketFileDescriptor)
			return false
		if listen(socketFileDescriptor, SOMAXCONN ) == -1 {
			release(socket: socketFileDescriptor)
			return false
		release(socket: socketFileDescriptor)
		return true

	private static func release(socket: Int32) {
		Darwin.shutdown(socket, SHUT_RDWR)

	static func getFreePort() -> in_port_t {
		var portNum: in_port_t = 0
		for i in 50000..<65000 {
			let isFree = isPortFree(in_port_t(i))
			if isFree {
				portNum = in_port_t(i)
				return portNum

		return in_port_t(0)