

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



This file contains a TestStore struct that represents a test implementation of the store.Store interface. The struct has two methods: NewTestEnterpriseStore and NewTestProfessionalStore, which create instances of the TestStore struct with different sets of features in the license. The GetLicense method returns the license associated with the test store.



This method creates a new instance of the TestStore struct with enterprise-level features enabled in the license. It takes a store.Store parameter and returns a pointer to the created TestStore instance.


This method creates a new instance of the TestStore struct with professional-level features enabled in the license. It takes a store.Store parameter and returns a pointer to the created TestStore instance.


This method returns the license associated with the test store. It returns a pointer to the mmModel.License struct.

package integrationtests

import (

	mmModel ""

type TestStore struct {
	license *mmModel.License

func NewTestEnterpriseStore(store store.Store) *TestStore {
	usersValue := 10000
	trueValue := true
	falseValue := false
	license := &mmModel.License{
		Features: &mmModel.Features{
			Users:                     &usersValue,
			LDAP:                      &trueValue,
			LDAPGroups:                &trueValue,
			MFA:                       &trueValue,
			GoogleOAuth:               &trueValue,
			Office365OAuth:            &trueValue,
			OpenId:                    &trueValue,
			Compliance:                &trueValue,
			Cluster:                   &trueValue,
			Metrics:                   &trueValue,
			MHPNS:                     &trueValue,
			SAML:                      &trueValue,
			Elasticsearch:             &trueValue,
			Announcement:              &trueValue,
			ThemeManagement:           &trueValue,
			EmailNotificationContents: &trueValue,
			DataRetention:             &trueValue,
			MessageExport:             &trueValue,
			CustomPermissionsSchemes:  &trueValue,
			CustomTermsOfService:      &trueValue,
			GuestAccounts:             &trueValue,
			GuestAccountsPermissions:  &trueValue,
			IDLoadedPushNotifications: &trueValue,
			LockTeammateNameDisplay:   &trueValue,
			EnterprisePlugins:         &trueValue,
			AdvancedLogging:           &trueValue,
			Cloud:                     &falseValue,
			SharedChannels:            &trueValue,
			RemoteClusterService:      &trueValue,
			FutureFeatures:            &trueValue,

	testStore := &TestStore{
		Store:   store,
		license: license,

	return testStore

func NewTestProfessionalStore(store store.Store) *TestStore {
	usersValue := 10000
	trueValue := true
	falseValue := false
	license := &mmModel.License{
		Features: &mmModel.Features{
			Users:                     &usersValue,
			LDAP:                      &falseValue,
			LDAPGroups:                &falseValue,
			MFA:                       &trueValue,
			GoogleOAuth:               &trueValue,
			Office365OAuth:            &trueValue,
			OpenId:                    &trueValue,
			Compliance:                &falseValue,
			Cluster:                   &falseValue,
			Metrics:                   &trueValue,
			MHPNS:                     &trueValue,
			SAML:                      &trueValue,
			Elasticsearch:             &trueValue,
			Announcement:              &trueValue,
			ThemeManagement:           &trueValue,
			EmailNotificationContents: &trueValue,
			DataRetention:             &trueValue,
			MessageExport:             &trueValue,
			CustomPermissionsSchemes:  &trueValue,
			CustomTermsOfService:      &trueValue,
			GuestAccounts:             &trueValue,
			GuestAccountsPermissions:  &trueValue,
			IDLoadedPushNotifications: &trueValue,
			LockTeammateNameDisplay:   &trueValue,
			EnterprisePlugins:         &falseValue,
			AdvancedLogging:           &trueValue,
			Cloud:                     &falseValue,
			SharedChannels:            &trueValue,
			RemoteClusterService:      &falseValue,
			FutureFeatures:            &trueValue,

	testStore := &TestStore{
		Store:   store,
		license: license,

	return testStore

func (s *TestStore) GetLicense() *mmModel.License {
	return s.license