

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



The block.ts file in the Demo Projects project contains interfaces, functions, and constants related to blocks. It includes types for block and content block, as well as functions for creating blocks and creating patches from blocks.



This function creates a new block object with default values if no block is provided. It takes in an optional block parameter and returns a new block object.


This function creates two BlockPatch instances based on the new and old block objects. It calculates the delta to update the block and creates an undo action. It takes in the newBlock and oldBlock parameters and returns an array of BlockPatch.



// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

import difference from 'lodash/difference'

import {Utils} from '../utils'

const contentBlockTypes = ['text', 'image', 'divider', 'checkbox', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'list-item', 'attachment', 'quote', 'video'] as const

// ToDo: remove type board
const blockTypes = [...contentBlockTypes, 'board', 'view', 'card', 'comment', 'attachment', 'unknown'] as const
type ContentBlockTypes = typeof contentBlockTypes[number]
type BlockTypes = typeof blockTypes[number]

interface BlockPatch {
    parentId?: string
    schema?: number
    type?: BlockTypes
    title?: string
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    updatedFields?: Record<string, any>
    deletedFields?: string[]
    deleteAt?: number

interface Block {
    id: string
    boardId: string
    parentId: string
    createdBy: string
    modifiedBy: string

    schema: number
    type: BlockTypes
    title: string
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    fields: Record<string, any>

    createAt: number
    updateAt: number
    deleteAt: number

    limited?: boolean

interface FileInfo {
    url?: string
    archived?: boolean
    extension?: string
    name?: string
    size?: number

function createBlock(block?: Block): Block {
    const now =
    return {
        id: block?.id || Utils.createGuid(Utils.blockTypeToIDType(block?.type)),
        schema: 1,
        boardId: block?.boardId || '',
        parentId: block?.parentId || '',
        createdBy: block?.createdBy || '',
        modifiedBy: block?.modifiedBy || '',
        type: block?.type || 'unknown',
        fields: block?.fields ? {...block?.fields} : {},
        title: block?.title || '',
        createAt: block?.createAt || now,
        updateAt: block?.updateAt || now,
        deleteAt: block?.deleteAt || 0,
        limited: Boolean(block?.limited),

// createPatchesFromBlocks creates two BlockPatch instances, one that
// contains the delta to update the block and another one for the undo
// action, in case it happens
function createPatchesFromBlocks(newBlock: Block, oldBlock: Block): BlockPatch[] {
    const newDeletedFields = difference(Object.keys(newBlock.fields), Object.keys(oldBlock.fields))
    const newUpdatedFields: Record<string, any> = {}
    const newUpdatedData: Record<string, any> = {}
    Object.keys(newBlock.fields).forEach((val) => {
        if (oldBlock.fields[val] !== newBlock.fields[val]) {
            newUpdatedFields[val] = newBlock.fields[val]
    Object.keys(newBlock).forEach((val) => {
        if (val !== 'fields' && (oldBlock as any)[val] !== (newBlock as any)[val]) {
            newUpdatedData[val] = (newBlock as any)[val]

    const oldDeletedFields = difference(Object.keys(oldBlock.fields), Object.keys(newBlock.fields))
    const oldUpdatedFields: Record<string, any> = {}
    const oldUpdatedData: Record<string, any> = {}
    Object.keys(oldBlock.fields).forEach((val) => {
        if (oldBlock.fields[val] !== newBlock.fields[val]) {
            oldUpdatedFields[val] = oldBlock.fields[val]
    Object.keys(oldBlock).forEach((val) => {
        if (val !== 'fields' && (oldBlock as any)[val] !== (newBlock as any)[val]) {
            oldUpdatedData[val] = (oldBlock as any)[val]

    return [
            updatedFields: newUpdatedFields,
            deletedFields: oldDeletedFields,
            updatedFields: oldUpdatedFields,
            deletedFields: newDeletedFields,

export type {ContentBlockTypes, BlockTypes, FileInfo}
export {blockTypes, contentBlockTypes, Block, BlockPatch, createBlock, createPatchesFromBlocks}