

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:48



This file contains a single function called openUp that calculates the position where a menu should be open, aligning it with a given reference element. The function takes three optional parameters: anchorRef (the reference to the element with respect to which the menu position is calculated), forceBottom (a flag that forces the element to be aligned at the bottom of the reference element), and menuMargin (a margin value to be ensured around the menu in the calculations).


openUp(anchorRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>, forceBottom = false, menuMargin = 40): {openUp: boolean, style: CSSProperties}

Calculates the position where the menu should be open, aligning it with the anchorRef and positioning it down or up around the reference element. This function should be used to ensure that the menus are always aligned regardless of the scroll position and fully visible when opened close to the edges of the screen. It returns an object with two properties: openUp (a boolean indicating whether the menu should be open upwards) and style (an object representing the calculated CSS properties for positioning the menu).


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import React, {CSSProperties} from 'react'

 * Calculates the position where the menu should be open, aligning it with the
 * `anchorRef` and positioning it down or up around the ref.
 * This should be used to make sure the menues are always aligned regardless of
 * the scroll position and fullly visible in cases when opening them close to
 * the edges of screen.
 * @param anchorRef ref of the element with respect to which the menu position is to be calculated.
 * @param forceBottom forces the element to be aligned at the bottom of the ref
 * @param menuMargin a safe margin value to be ensured around the menu in the calculations.
 *  this ensures the menu stick to the edges of the screen ans has some space around for ease of use.
function openUp(anchorRef: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>, forceBottom = false, menuMargin = 40): {openUp: boolean, style: CSSProperties} {
    const ret = {
        openUp: false,
        style: {} as CSSProperties,
    if (!anchorRef.current) {
        return ret

    const boundingRect = anchorRef.current.getBoundingClientRect()
    const y = typeof boundingRect?.y === 'undefined' ? boundingRect?.top : boundingRect.y
    const windowHeight = window.innerHeight
    const totalSpace = windowHeight - menuMargin
    const spaceOnTop = y || 0
    const spaceOnBottom = totalSpace - spaceOnTop
    ret.openUp = spaceOnTop > spaceOnBottom
    if (!forceBottom && ret.openUp) { = spaceOnBottom + menuMargin
    } else { = spaceOnTop + menuMargin

    return ret

export default {