

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:48



This file, filterClause.ts, provides functionality related to creating and comparing filter clauses. It exports the FilterClause type, the FilterCondition type, and three functions: createFilterClause, and areEqual.



This method creates a new FilterClause object based on the provided parameters. If no parameters are provided, the method returns a FilterClause object with default values: an empty string for propertyId, 'includes' for condition, and an empty array for values.


This method compares two FilterClause objects and returns a boolean value indicating whether they are equal. The comparison is based on the equality of the propertyId, condition, and values properties.


There are no classes in this file.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {Utils} from '../utils'

type FilterCondition =
    'includes' | 'notIncludes' |
    'isEmpty' | 'isNotEmpty' |
    'isSet' | 'isNotSet' |
    'is' |
    'contains' | 'notContains' |
    'startsWith' | 'notStartsWith' |
    'endsWith' | 'notEndsWith' |
    'isBefore' | 'isAfter'

type FilterClause = {
    propertyId: string
    condition: FilterCondition
    values: string[]

function createFilterClause(o?: FilterClause): FilterClause {
    return {
        propertyId: o?.propertyId || '',
        condition: o?.condition || 'includes',
        values: o?.values?.slice() || [],

function areEqual(a: FilterClause, b: FilterClause): boolean {
    return (
        a.propertyId === b.propertyId &&
        a.condition === b.condition &&
        Utils.arraysEqual(a.values, b.values)

export {FilterClause, FilterCondition, createFilterClause, areEqual}