

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:48



This file contains a struct called ClientConfig which represents the client configuration. It includes various fields such as telemetry settings, public shared boards settings, teammate name display, feature flags, and maximum file size.



The ClientConfig class represents the client configuration. It has the following fields:

  • Telemetry (bool): Indicates whether telemetry is enabled.
  • TelemetryID (string): The telemetry ID.
  • EnablePublicSharedBoards (bool): Indicates whether public shared boards are enabled.
  • TeammateNameDisplay (string): The teammate name display setting.
  • FeatureFlags (map[string]string): The server feature flags.
  • MaxFileSize (int64): The maximum file size for file uploads.
package model

// ClientConfig is the client configuration
// swagger:model
type ClientConfig struct {
	// Is telemetry enabled
	// required: true
	Telemetry bool `json:"telemetry"`

	// The telemetry ID
	// required: true
	TelemetryID string `json:"telemetryid"`

	// Is public shared boards enabled
	// required: true
	EnablePublicSharedBoards bool `json:"enablePublicSharedBoards"`

	// Is public shared boards enabled
	// required: true
	TeammateNameDisplay string `json:"teammateNameDisplay"`

	// The server feature flags
	// required: true
	FeatureFlags map[string]string `json:"featureFlags"`

	// Required for file upload to check the size of the file
	// required: true
	MaxFileSize int64 `json:"maxFileSize"`