

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:49



The telemetryClient.ts file is a module that provides a TelemetryClient class for tracking events and page visits. It exports the TelemetryClient class as the default export, as well as constants for telemetry categories and actions. It also exports an interface and a TelemetryHandler class.



The TelemetryClient class is responsible for tracking events and page visits for telemetry purposes. It has the following methods:

  • setTelemetryHandler(telemetryHandler?: TelemetryHandler): void: Sets the telemetry handler for the client.
  • setUser(user: IUser): void: Sets the user for the client.
  • trackEvent(category: string, event: string, props?: IEventProps): void: Tracks a custom event with the specified category, event name, and optional properties.
  • pageVisited(category: string, name: string): void: Tracks a page visit with the specified category and page name.


  • TelemetryCategory: The category name for telemetry.
  • TelemetryActions: An object containing various telemetry action names.


  • IEventProps: An interface defining optional properties for telemetry events. It includes properties for channel ID, team ID, board, view, view type, card, card template ID, board template ID, and share board enabled flag.



The TelemetryHandler class is responsible for handling telemetry events. Its functionality is not defined in the provided file.

// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {IUser} from '../user'

import {TelemetryHandler} from './telemetry'

export const TelemetryCategory = 'boards'

export const TelemetryActions = {
    ClickChannelHeader: 'clickChannelHeader',
    ClickChannelIntro: 'channelIntro_boardLink',
    ViewBoard: 'viewBoard',
    CreateBoard: 'createBoard',
    DuplicateBoard: 'duplicateBoard',
    DeleteBoard: 'deleteBoard',
    DeleteBoardTemplate: 'deleteBoardTemplate',
    ShareBoard: 'shareBoard',
    CreateBoardTemplate: 'createBoardTemplate',
    CreateBoardViaTemplate: 'createBoardViaTemplate',
    AddTemplateFromBoard: 'AddTemplateFromBoard',
    CreateBoardView: 'createBoardView',
    DuplicateBoardView: 'duplicagteBoardView',
    DeleteBoardView: 'deleteBoardView',
    EditCardProperty: 'editCardProperty',
    ViewCard: 'viewCard',
    CreateCard: 'createCard',
    CreateCardTemplate: 'createCardTemplate',
    CreateCardViaTemplate: 'createCardViaTemplate',
    DuplicateCard: 'duplicateCard',
    DeleteCard: 'deleteCard',
    AddTemplateFromCard: 'addTemplateFromCard',
    ViewSharedBoard: 'viewSharedBoard',
    ShareBoardOpenModal: 'shareBoard_openModal',
    ShareBoardLogin: 'shareBoard_login',
    ShareLinkPublicCopy: 'shareLinkPublic_copy',
    ShareLinkInternalCopy: 'shareLinkInternal_copy',
    ImportArchive: 'settings_importArchive',
    ImportTrello: 'settings_importTrello',
    ImportAsana: 'settings_importAsana',
    ImportNotion: 'settings_importNotion',
    ImportJira: 'settings_importJira',
    ImportTodoist: 'settings_importTodoist',
    ExportArchive: 'settings_exportArchive',
    StartTour: 'welcomeScreen_startTour',
    SkipTour: 'welcomeScreen_skipTour',
    CloudMoreInfo: 'cloud_more_info',
    ViewLimitReached: 'limit_ViewLimitReached',
    ViewLimitCTAPerformed: 'limit_ViewLimitLinkOpen',
    LimitCardCTAPerformed: 'limit_CardLimitCTAPerformed',
    LimitCardLimitReached: 'limit_cardLimitReached',
    LimitCardLimitLinkOpen: 'limit_cardLimitLinkOpen',
    VersionMoreInfo: 'version_more_info',
    ClickChannelsRHSBoard: 'click_board_in_channels_RHS',

interface IEventProps {
    channelID?: string
    teamID?: string
    board?: string
    view?: string
    viewType?: string
    card?: string
    cardTemplateId?: string
    boardTemplateId?: string
    shareBoardEnabled?: boolean

class TelemetryClient {
    public telemetryHandler?: TelemetryHandler
    public user?: IUser

    setTelemetryHandler(telemetryHandler?: TelemetryHandler): void {
        this.telemetryHandler = telemetryHandler

    setUser(user: IUser): void {
        this.user = user

    trackEvent(category: string, event: string, props?: IEventProps): void {
        if (this.telemetryHandler) {
            const userId = this.user?.id
            this.telemetryHandler.trackEvent(userId || '', '', category, event, props)

    pageVisited(category: string, name: string): void {
        if (this.telemetryHandler) {
            const userId = this.user?.id
            this.telemetryHandler.pageVisited(userId || '', '', category, name)

const telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient()

export {TelemetryClient}
export default telemetryClient