

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:51



This file contains a single test function Test18AddTeamsAndBoardsSQLMigration that performs various assertions on a database migration related to adding boards and teams. The test ensures that boards are correctly migrated from a blocks table to a boards table and that the migration handles different board properties and views correctly.





package migrationstests

import (


func Test18AddTeamsAndBoardsSQLMigration(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("should migrate a block of type board to the boards table", func(t *testing.T) {
		th, tearDown := SetupPluginTestHelper(t)
		defer tearDown()


		board := struct {
			ID               string
			Title            string
			Type             string
			Fields           string
			Description      string
			Show_Description bool
			Is_Template      bool
			Template_Version int

		// we check first that the board is inside the blocks table as
		// a block of board type and columnCalculations exists if Fields
		err := th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, title, type, fields FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE id = 'board-id'")
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.Equal(t, "My Board", board.Title)
		require.Equal(t, "board", board.Type)
		require.Contains(t, board.Fields, "columnCalculations")

		// we check another board is inside the blocks table as
		// a block of board type and has several different properties in boards
		err = th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, title, type, fields FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE id = 'board-id2'")
		require.NoError(t, err)
		require.Equal(t, "My Board Two", board.Title)
		require.Equal(t, "board", board.Type)
		require.Contains(t, board.Fields, "description")
		require.Contains(t, board.Fields, "showDescription")
		require.Contains(t, board.Fields, "isTemplate")
		require.Contains(t, board.Fields, "templateVer")

		// then we run the migration

		// we assert that the board is now in the boards table
		bErr := th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, title, type FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'board-id'")
		require.NoError(t, bErr)
		require.Equal(t, "My Board", board.Title)
		require.Equal(t, "O", board.Type)

		card := struct {
			Title     string
			Type      string
			Parent_ID string
			Board_ID  string

		// we fetch the card to ensure that the card is still in the blocks table
		cErr := th.f.DB().Get(&card, "SELECT title, type, parent_id, board_id FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE id = 'card-id'")
		require.NoError(t, cErr)
		require.Equal(t, "A card", card.Title)
		require.Equal(t, "card", card.Type)
		require.Equal(t, board.ID, card.Parent_ID)
		require.Equal(t, board.ID, card.Board_ID)

		// we assert that the board is now a board and properties from JSON Fields
		dErr := th.f.DB().Get(&board, "SELECT id, title, type, description, show_description, is_template, template_version FROM focalboard_boards WHERE id = 'board-id2'")
		require.NoError(t, dErr)
		require.Equal(t, "My Board Two", board.Title)
		require.Equal(t, "O", board.Type)
		require.Equal(t, "My Description", board.Description)
		require.Equal(t, true, board.Show_Description)
		require.Equal(t, true, board.Is_Template)
		require.Equal(t, 1, board.Template_Version)

		view := struct {
			Title     string
			Type      string
			Parent_ID string
			Board_ID  string
			Fields    string

		// we fetch the views to ensure that the calculation columns exist on views
		eErr := th.f.DB().Get(&view, "SELECT title, type, parent_id, board_id, fields FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE id = 'view-id'")
		require.NoError(t, eErr)
		require.Contains(t, view.Fields, "columnCalculations")
		var fields map[string]interface{}

		// Make sure a valid JSON object
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(view.Fields), &fields)
		require.NotNil(t, fields["columnCalculations"])
		require.NotEmpty(t, fields["columnCalculations"])

		// Board View should not have columnCalculations
		fErr := th.f.DB().Get(&view, "SELECT title, type, parent_id, board_id, fields FROM focalboard_blocks WHERE id = 'view-id2'")
		require.NoError(t, fErr)
		require.NotContains(t, view.Fields, "columnCalculations")