

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:51



This file contains a single test function called Test27MigrateUserPropsToPreferences which tests the migration of user properties to preferences. It checks that the data was correctly loaded from fixtures, applies the migration, and then checks that the values are correct in the preferences table.





package migrationstests

import (


func Test27MigrateUserPropsToPreferences(t *testing.T) {
	t.Run("should correctly migrate properties on personal server and desktop", func(t *testing.T) {
		th, tearDown := SetupTestHelper(t)
		defer tearDown()


		// first we check that the data was correctly loaded from the
		// fixtures. We could perfectly skip this step, but as the
		// failing data is in a JSON field, I preferred to leave it
		// for clarity
		user := struct {
			ID       string
			Username string
			Props    string

		err := th.f.DB().Get(&user, "SELECT id, username, props FROM focalboard_users WHERE id = 'user-id'")
		require.NoError(t, err)
		userProps := map[string]any{}
		require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal([]byte(user.Props), &userProps))

		require.Equal(t, "johndoe", user.Username)
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_welcomePageViewed")
		require.True(t, userProps["focalboard_welcomePageViewed"].(bool))
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "hiddenBoardIDs")
		require.ElementsMatch(t, []string{"board1", "board2"}, userProps["hiddenBoardIDs"])
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_tourCategory")
		require.Equal(t, "onboarding", userProps["focalboard_tourCategory"])
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_onboardingTourStep")
		require.Equal(t, float64(1), userProps["focalboard_onboardingTourStep"])
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_onboardingTourStarted")
		// initially, onboardingTourStarted will be false on the user,
		// but already inserted in the preferences table as true. The
		// migration should not overwrite the already existing value,
		// so after migration #27, this value should be true
		require.False(t, userProps["focalboard_onboardingTourStarted"].(bool))
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_version72MessageCanceled")
		require.True(t, userProps["focalboard_version72MessageCanceled"].(bool))
		require.Contains(t, userProps, "focalboard_lastWelcomeVersion")
		require.Equal(t, float64(7), userProps["focalboard_lastWelcomeVersion"])

		// we apply the migration

		// then we load the preferences on a new struct
		userPreferences := []struct {
			Name  string
			Value string

		nErr := th.f.DB().Select(&userPreferences, "SELECT name, value FROM focalboard_preferences WHERE UserId = 'user-id'")
		require.NoError(t, nErr)

		// helper function to quickly get a preference value from the
		// userPreferences slice
		getValue := func(name string) string {
			for _, userPreference := range userPreferences {
				if userPreference.Name == name {
					return userPreference.Value
			require.FailNow(t, "could not found preference", "while searching for name %q", name)
			return "this should never be reached"

		// and we check that the values are correct
		welcomePageViewedValue := getValue("welcomePageViewed")
		// the checks for true or 1 make the test work for all DBs,
		// that were representing the boolean values in the JSON
		// struct in different ways
		require.True(t, welcomePageViewedValue == "true" || welcomePageViewedValue == "1")

		hiddenBoardIDsValue := getValue("hiddenBoardIDs")
		require.Contains(t, hiddenBoardIDsValue, "board1")
		require.Contains(t, hiddenBoardIDsValue, "board2")

		require.Equal(t, "onboarding", getValue("tourCategory"))

		onboardingTourStepValue := getValue("onboardingTourStep")
		require.True(t, onboardingTourStepValue == "true" || onboardingTourStepValue == "1")

		onboardingTourStartedValue := getValue("onboardingTourStarted")
		require.True(t, onboardingTourStartedValue == "true" || onboardingTourStartedValue == "1")

		version72MessageCanceledValue := getValue("version72MessageCanceled")
		require.True(t, version72MessageCanceledValue == "true" || version72MessageCanceledValue == "1")

		require.Equal(t, "7", getValue("lastWelcomeVersion"))