

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:20



This file contains the Dispatcher class which is responsible for dispatching commands to their appropriate handlers. It also includes methods for dispatching commands synchronously, creating batches of queueable jobs, chaining queueable jobs, and more.



Dispatches a command to its appropriate handler. If the command should be queued, it dispatches it to the queue. Otherwise, it dispatches it to the handler immediately.


Dispatches a command to its appropriate handler in the current process. If the command should be queued and supports being queued on a specific connection, it dispatches it to the queue on the "sync" connection. Otherwise, it dispatches it to the handler immediately.


Dispatches a command to its appropriate handler in the current process without using the synchronous queue. It checks if the command implements the InteractsWithQueue and Queueable interfaces and sets the job if it hasn't been set already. Then, it determines the callback to be executed based on whether a handler is specified or can be retrieved from the command. Finally, it passes the command through the pipeline with the specified pipes and executes the callback.


Attempts to find a batch with the given ID by using the BatchRepository from the container.


Creates a new batch of queueable jobs. Accepts a collection or an array of jobs and wraps them in a PendingBatch.


Creates a new chain of queueable jobs. Accepts a collection or an array of jobs, prepares any nested batches, and returns a PendingChain.


Determines if the given command has a registered handler in the handlers array.


Retrieves the handler for a command from the container if it has been registered.


Determines if the given command should be queued by checking if it implements the ShouldQueue interface.


Dispatches a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue. Resolves the queue using the queue resolver closure and checks if the queue returned is an implementation of the Queue interface. If the command has a queue method, it calls that method passing the queue and the command. Otherwise, it pushes the command to the queue by calling the pushCommandToQueue method.


Pushes the command onto the given queue instance. If the command has both a queue and delay property, it schedules the command to be executed on the specified queue after the specified delay. If the command has only a queue property, it pushes the command to that queue. If the command has only a delay property, it schedules the command to be executed after the specified delay. Otherwise, it simply pushes the command to the queue.


Dispatches a command to its appropriate handler after the current process has finished (e.g., after the response has been sent). This is achieved by registering a termination callback with the container that dispatches the command synchronously.


Sets the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.


Maps a command to a handler by merging the specified map array with the handlers array.


namespace Illuminate\Bus;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\QueueingDispatcher;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\PendingChain;
use Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\Jobs\SyncJob;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use RuntimeException;

class Dispatcher implements QueueingDispatcher
     * The container implementation.
     * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container
    protected $container;

     * The pipeline instance for the bus.
     * @var \Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline
    protected $pipeline;

     * The pipes to send commands through before dispatching.
     * @var array
    protected $pipes = [];

     * The command to handler mapping for non-self-handling events.
     * @var array
    protected $handlers = [];

     * The queue resolver callback.
     * @var \Closure|null
    protected $queueResolver;

     * Create a new command dispatcher instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container  $container
     * @param  \Closure|null  $queueResolver
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Container $container, Closure $queueResolver = null)
        $this->container = $container;
        $this->queueResolver = $queueResolver;
        $this->pipeline = new Pipeline($container);

     * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return mixed
    public function dispatch($command)
        return $this->queueResolver && $this->commandShouldBeQueued($command)
                        ? $this->dispatchToQueue($command)
                        : $this->dispatchNow($command);

     * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process.
     * Queueable jobs will be dispatched to the "sync" queue.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @param  mixed  $handler
     * @return mixed
    public function dispatchSync($command, $handler = null)
        if ($this->queueResolver &&
            $this->commandShouldBeQueued($command) &&
            method_exists($command, 'onConnection')) {
            return $this->dispatchToQueue($command->onConnection('sync'));

        return $this->dispatchNow($command, $handler);

     * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler in the current process without using the synchronous queue.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @param  mixed  $handler
     * @return mixed
    public function dispatchNow($command, $handler = null)
        $uses = class_uses_recursive($command);

        if (in_array(InteractsWithQueue::class, $uses) &&
            in_array(Queueable::class, $uses) &&
            ! $command->job) {
            $command->setJob(new SyncJob($this->container, json_encode([]), 'sync', 'sync'));

        if ($handler || $handler = $this->getCommandHandler($command)) {
            $callback = function ($command) use ($handler) {
                $method = method_exists($handler, 'handle') ? 'handle' : '__invoke';

                return $handler->{$method}($command);
        } else {
            $callback = function ($command) {
                $method = method_exists($command, 'handle') ? 'handle' : '__invoke';

                return $this->container->call([$command, $method]);

        return $this->pipeline->send($command)->through($this->pipes)->then($callback);

     * Attempt to find the batch with the given ID.
     * @param  string  $batchId
     * @return \Illuminate\Bus\Batch|null
    public function findBatch(string $batchId)
        return $this->container->make(BatchRepository::class)->find($batchId);

     * Create a new batch of queueable jobs.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Collection|array|mixed  $jobs
     * @return \Illuminate\Bus\PendingBatch
    public function batch($jobs)
        return new PendingBatch($this->container, Collection::wrap($jobs));

     * Create a new chain of queueable jobs.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Support\Collection|array  $jobs
     * @return \Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\PendingChain
    public function chain($jobs)
        $jobs = Collection::wrap($jobs);
        $jobs = ChainedBatch::prepareNestedBatches($jobs);

        return new PendingChain($jobs->shift(), $jobs->toArray());

     * Determine if the given command has a handler.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return bool
    public function hasCommandHandler($command)
        return array_key_exists(get_class($command), $this->handlers);

     * Retrieve the handler for a command.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function getCommandHandler($command)
        if ($this->hasCommandHandler($command)) {
            return $this->container->make($this->handlers[get_class($command)]);

        return false;

     * Determine if the given command should be queued.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return bool
    protected function commandShouldBeQueued($command)
        return $command instanceof ShouldQueue;

     * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler behind a queue.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public function dispatchToQueue($command)
        $connection = $command->connection ?? null;

        $queue = call_user_func($this->queueResolver, $connection);

        if (! $queue instanceof Queue) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Queue resolver did not return a Queue implementation.');

        if (method_exists($command, 'queue')) {
            return $command->queue($queue, $command);

        return $this->pushCommandToQueue($queue, $command);

     * Push the command onto the given queue instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Queue  $queue
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @return mixed
    protected function pushCommandToQueue($queue, $command)
        if (isset($command->queue, $command->delay)) {
            return $queue->laterOn($command->queue, $command->delay, $command);

        if (isset($command->queue)) {
            return $queue->pushOn($command->queue, $command);

        if (isset($command->delay)) {
            return $queue->later($command->delay, $command);

        return $queue->push($command);

     * Dispatch a command to its appropriate handler after the current process.
     * @param  mixed  $command
     * @param  mixed  $handler
     * @return void
    public function dispatchAfterResponse($command, $handler = null)
        $this->container->terminating(function () use ($command, $handler) {
            $this->dispatchSync($command, $handler);

     * Set the pipes through which commands should be piped before dispatching.
     * @param  array  $pipes
     * @return $this
    public function pipeThrough(array $pipes)
        $this->pipes = $pipes;

        return $this;

     * Map a command to a handler.
     * @param  array  $map
     * @return $this
    public function map(array $map)
        $this->handlers = array_merge($this->handlers, $map);

        return $this;