This file, Factory.php
, is part of the Illuminate Http Client component in the Laravel framework. It provides the implementation of the Factory class, which is responsible for creating instances of PendingRequest and managing middleware and stubs for HTTP requests.
This method adds a middleware to the list of global middleware that will be applied to every request. It takes a callable as its parameter and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method adds a request middleware to the list of global middleware that will be applied to every request. It takes a callable as its parameter and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method adds a response middleware to the list of global middleware that will be applied to every request. It takes a callable as its parameter and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This static method creates a new response instance for use during stubbing. It takes optional parameters for the body, status code, and headers and returns an instance of PromiseInterface.
This method creates a new ResponseSequence object, which is an invokable object that returns a sequence of responses in order for use during stubbing. It takes an optional array of responses and returns an instance of ResponseSequence.
This method registers a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses. It takes an optional callable or array as its parameter and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method registers a response sequence for the given URL pattern. It takes an optional URL pattern and returns an instance of ResponseSequence.
This method stubs the given URL using the given callable or ResponseSequence. It takes a URL and a callable or ResponseSequence as its parameters and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method indicates that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked. It takes an optional boolean parameter and returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method indicates that an exception should not be thrown if any request is not faked. It returns an instance of the Factory class.
This method records a request/response pair if the factory is currently in recording mode. It takes a request and a response as its parameters and does not return a value.
This method asserts that a request/response pair matching the given truth test was recorded. It takes a callable as its parameter and does not return a value.
This method asserts that a series of requests were sent in the given order. It takes an array of callbacks or URLs as its parameter and does not return a value.
This method asserts that no request/response pair matching the given truth test was recorded. It takes a callable as its parameter and does not return a value.
This method asserts that no request/response pair was recorded. It does not take any parameters and does not return a value.
This method asserts that a specified number of requests were recorded. It takes an integer parameter and does not return a value.
This method asserts that every created response sequence is empty. It does not take any parameters and does not return a value.
This method returns a collection of request/response pairs matching the given truth test. It takes an optional callable as its parameter and returns a collection.
This magic method is called when an undefined method is called on the Factory class. It executes the method against a new pending request instance with the configured stub callbacks and prevent stray requests setting. It returns the result of the executed method.
There are no classes defined in this file.
namespace Illuminate\Http\Client;
use Closure;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Create;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response as Psr7Response;
use GuzzleHttp\TransferStats;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert as PHPUnit;
* @mixin \Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest
class Factory
use Macroable {
__call as macroCall;
* The event dispatcher implementation.
* @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher|null
protected $dispatcher;
* The middleware to apply to every request.
* @var array
protected $globalMiddleware = [];
* The stub callables that will handle requests.
* @var \Illuminate\Support\Collection
protected $stubCallbacks;
* Indicates if the factory is recording requests and responses.
* @var bool
protected $recording = false;
* The recorded response array.
* @var array
protected $recorded = [];
* All created response sequences.
* @var array
protected $responseSequences = [];
* Indicates that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
* @var bool
protected $preventStrayRequests = false;
* Create a new factory instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher|null $dispatcher
* @return void
public function __construct(Dispatcher $dispatcher = null)
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
$this->stubCallbacks = collect();
* Add middleware to apply to every request.
* @param callable $middleware
* @return $this
public function globalMiddleware($middleware)
$this->globalMiddleware[] = $middleware;
return $this;
* Add request middleware to apply to every request.
* @param callable $middleware
* @return $this
public function globalRequestMiddleware($middleware)
$this->globalMiddleware[] = Middleware::mapRequest($middleware);
return $this;
* Add response middleware to apply to every request.
* @param callable $middleware
* @return $this
public function globalResponseMiddleware($middleware)
$this->globalMiddleware[] = Middleware::mapResponse($middleware);
return $this;
* Create a new response instance for use during stubbing.
* @param array|string|null $body
* @param int $status
* @param array $headers
* @return \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface
public static function response($body = null, $status = 200, $headers = [])
if (is_array($body)) {
$body = json_encode($body);
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
$response = new Psr7Response($status, $headers, $body);
return Create::promiseFor($response);
* Get an invokable object that returns a sequence of responses in order for use during stubbing.
* @param array $responses
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\ResponseSequence
public function sequence(array $responses = [])
return $this->responseSequences[] = new ResponseSequence($responses);
* Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.
* @param callable|array|null $callback
* @return $this
public function fake($callback = null)
$this->recorded = [];
if (is_null($callback)) {
$callback = function () {
return static::response();
if (is_array($callback)) {
foreach ($callback as $url => $callable) {
$this->stubUrl($url, $callable);
return $this;
$this->stubCallbacks = $this->stubCallbacks->merge(collect([
function ($request, $options) use ($callback) {
$response = $callback instanceof Closure
? $callback($request, $options)
: $callback;
if ($response instanceof PromiseInterface) {
$options['on_stats'](new TransferStats(
return $response;
return $this;
* Register a response sequence for the given URL pattern.
* @param string $url
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\ResponseSequence
public function fakeSequence($url = '*')
return tap($this->sequence(), function ($sequence) use ($url) {
$this->fake([$url => $sequence]);
* Stub the given URL using the given callback.
* @param string $url
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response|\GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface|callable $callback
* @return $this
public function stubUrl($url, $callback)
return $this->fake(function ($request, $options) use ($url, $callback) {
if (! Str::is(Str::start($url, '*'), $request->url())) {
return $callback instanceof Closure || $callback instanceof ResponseSequence
? $callback($request, $options)
: $callback;
* Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked.
* @param bool $prevent
* @return $this
public function preventStrayRequests($prevent = true)
$this->preventStrayRequests = $prevent;
return $this;
* Indicate that an exception should not be thrown if any request is not faked.
* @return $this
public function allowStrayRequests()
return $this->preventStrayRequests(false);
* Begin recording request / response pairs.
* @return $this
protected function record()
$this->recording = true;
return $this;
* Record a request response pair.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Request $request
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response
* @return void
public function recordRequestResponsePair($request, $response)
if ($this->recording) {
$this->recorded[] = [$request, $response];
* Assert that a request / response pair was recorded matching a given truth test.
* @param callable $callback
* @return void
public function assertSent($callback)
$this->recorded($callback)->count() > 0,
'An expected request was not recorded.'
* Assert that the given request was sent in the given order.
* @param array $callbacks
* @return void
public function assertSentInOrder($callbacks)
foreach ($callbacks as $index => $url) {
$callback = is_callable($url) ? $url : function ($request) use ($url) {
return $request->url() == $url;
), 'An expected request (#'.($index + 1).') was not recorded.');
* Assert that a request / response pair was not recorded matching a given truth test.
* @param callable $callback
* @return void
public function assertNotSent($callback)
$this->recorded($callback)->count() > 0,
'Unexpected request was recorded.'
* Assert that no request / response pair was recorded.
* @return void
public function assertNothingSent()
'Requests were recorded.'
* Assert how many requests have been recorded.
* @param int $count
* @return void
public function assertSentCount($count)
PHPUnit::assertCount($count, $this->recorded);
* Assert that every created response sequence is empty.
* @return void
public function assertSequencesAreEmpty()
foreach ($this->responseSequences as $responseSequence) {
'Not all response sequences are empty.'
* Get a collection of the request / response pairs matching the given truth test.
* @param callable $callback
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function recorded($callback = null)
if (empty($this->recorded)) {
return collect();
$callback = $callback ?: function () {
return true;
return collect($this->recorded)->filter(function ($pair) use ($callback) {
return $callback($pair[0], $pair[1]);
* Create a new pending request instance for this factory.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest
protected function newPendingRequest()
return new PendingRequest($this, $this->globalMiddleware);
* Get the current event dispatcher implementation.
* @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher|null
public function getDispatcher()
return $this->dispatcher;
* Get the array of global middleware.
* @return array
public function getGlobalMiddleware()
return $this->globalMiddleware;
* Execute a method against a new pending request instance.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, $parameters)
if (static::hasMacro($method)) {
return $this->macroCall($method, $parameters);
return tap($this->newPendingRequest(), function ($request) {