

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:24



The file InvalidArgumentException.php is a part of the Illuminate\Testing\Exceptions namespace. It contains a single class InvalidArgumentException that extends the PHPUnit\Framework\Exception class. This class is used to create a new exception for invalid arguments. The create method within this class is responsible for creating the exception.



The create method is a static method that creates a new exception for an invalid argument. It takes two parameters: $argument (an integer) and $type (a string). It returns a new instance of the InvalidArgumentException class.

The method performs the following steps:

  1. It retrieves the current backtrace using debug_backtrace().
  2. It extracts the name of the function or method that called the create method from the backtrace.
  3. If the calling function is a method within a class, it formats the function name in the format ClassName::methodName.
  4. It constructs the error message by using the argument index, the calling function name, and the type of the argument.
  5. It creates a new instance of the InvalidArgumentException class by passing the constructed error message as the argument.



The InvalidArgumentException class extends the PHPUnit\Framework\Exception class. It is used to create a new exception for an invalid argument. The class has a single static method create, which is responsible for creating the exception.


namespace Illuminate\Testing\Exceptions;

use PHPUnit\Framework\Exception;

class InvalidArgumentException extends Exception
     * Creates a new exception for an invalid argument.
     * @return static
    public static function create(int $argument, string $type): static
        $stack = debug_backtrace();

        $function = $stack[1]['function'];

        if (isset($stack[1]['class'])) {
            $function = sprintf('%s::%s', $stack[1]['class'], $stack[1]['function']);

        return new static(
                'Argument #%d of %s() must be %s %s',
                in_array(lcfirst($type)[0], ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'], true) ? 'an' : 'a',