

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:37



The LeakTraceReference.kt file in the Demo Projects project defines a data class LeakTraceReference that represents a reference from an origin LeakTraceObject to another LeakTraceObject in a leak trace. It also includes an enum class ReferenceType that specifies the type of reference, and a few utility methods to get the class name, display name, and generic name of the reference.



The LeakTraceReference data class represents a reference from an origin LeakTraceObject to another LeakTraceObject in a leak trace. It has the following properties:

  • originObject: The origin LeakTraceObject of the reference.
  • referenceType: The type of reference, specified using the ReferenceType enum class.
  • owningClassName: The name of the class that owns the reference.
  • referenceName: The name of the reference.

It also includes the following utility properties:

  • owningClassSimpleName: Returns the simplified name of the owning class.
  • referenceDisplayName: Returns the display name of the reference based on its type.
  • referenceGenericName: Returns the generic name of the reference based on its type.


The ReferenceType enum class specifies the type of reference in a LeakTraceReference. It has the following values:

  • INSTANCE_FIELD: Reference to an instance field.
  • STATIC_FIELD: Reference to a static field.
  • LOCAL: Reference to a local variable.
  • ARRAY_ENTRY: Reference to an array entry.


package shark

import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.ARRAY_ENTRY
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.INSTANCE_FIELD
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.LOCAL
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.STATIC_FIELD
import shark.internal.lastSegment

 * A [LeakTraceReference] represents an origin [LeakTraceObject] and either a reference from that
 * object to the [LeakTraceObject] in the next [LeakTraceReference] in [LeakTrace.referencePath],
 * or to [LeakTrace.leakingObject] if this is the last [LeakTraceReference] in
 * [LeakTrace.referencePath].
data class LeakTraceReference(
  val originObject: LeakTraceObject,

  val referenceType: ReferenceType,

  val owningClassName: String,

  val referenceName: String

) : Serializable {

  enum class ReferenceType {

   * Returns {@link #className} without the package, ie stripped of any string content before the
   * last period (included).
  val owningClassSimpleName: String get() = owningClassName.lastSegment('.')

  val referenceDisplayName: String
    get() {
      return when (referenceType) {
        ARRAY_ENTRY -> "[$referenceName]"
        STATIC_FIELD, INSTANCE_FIELD -> referenceName
        LOCAL -> "<Java Local>"

  val referenceGenericName: String
    get() {
      return when (referenceType) {
        // The specific array index in a leak rarely matters, this improves grouping.
        ARRAY_ENTRY -> "[x]"
        STATIC_FIELD, INSTANCE_FIELD -> referenceName
        LOCAL -> "<Java Local>"

  companion object {
    private const val serialVersionUID = 1L