The provided file (InstrumentationHeapAnalyzer.kt
) is a part of the LeakCanary library and is located in the leakcanary.internal
package. It sets up HeapAnalyzer
for instrumentation tests and delegates heap analysis.
There are no methods defined in this file.
This class is responsible for setting up HeapAnalyzer
and handling heap analysis for instrumentation tests. It takes several parameters in its constructor and has one method analyze()
that performs the actual analysis of the heap dump file.
package leakcanary.internal
import android.os.SystemClock
import shark.ConstantMemoryMetricsDualSourceProvider
import shark.FileSourceProvider
import shark.HeapAnalysis
import shark.HeapAnalysisException
import shark.HeapAnalysisFailure
import shark.HeapAnalysisSuccess
import shark.HeapAnalyzer
import shark.HprofHeapGraph
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
import shark.LeakingObjectFinder
import shark.MetadataExtractor
import shark.ObjectInspector
import shark.OnAnalysisProgressListener
import shark.ProguardMapping
import shark.ReferenceMatcher
import shark.SharkLog
* Sets up [HeapAnalyzer] for instrumentation tests and delegates heap analysis.
internal class InstrumentationHeapAnalyzer(
val leakingObjectFinder: LeakingObjectFinder,
val referenceMatchers: List<ReferenceMatcher>,
val computeRetainedHeapSize: Boolean,
val metadataExtractor: MetadataExtractor,
val objectInspectors: List<ObjectInspector>,
val proguardMapping: ProguardMapping?
) {
fun analyze(heapDumpFile: File): HeapAnalysis {
var lastStepUptimeMs = -1L
val heapAnalyzer = HeapAnalyzer { newStep ->
val now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
val lastStepString = if (lastStepUptimeMs != -1L) {
val lastStepDurationMs = now - lastStepUptimeMs
val lastStep = OnAnalysisProgressListener.Step.values()[newStep.ordinal - 1]
"${lastStep.humanReadableName} took $lastStepDurationMs ms, now "
} else {
SharkLog.d { "${lastStepString}working on ${newStep.humanReadableName}" }
lastStepUptimeMs = now
val sourceProvider = ConstantMemoryMetricsDualSourceProvider(FileSourceProvider(heapDumpFile))
val closeableGraph = try {
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
return HeapAnalysisFailure(
heapDumpFile = heapDumpFile,
createdAtTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(),
analysisDurationMillis = 0,
exception = HeapAnalysisException(throwable)
return closeableGraph
.use { graph ->
val result = heapAnalyzer.analyze(
heapDumpFile = heapDumpFile,
graph = graph,
leakingObjectFinder = leakingObjectFinder,
referenceMatchers = referenceMatchers,
computeRetainedHeapSize = computeRetainedHeapSize,
objectInspectors = objectInspectors,
metadataExtractor = metadataExtractor
if (result is HeapAnalysisSuccess) {
val lruCacheStats = (graph as HprofHeapGraph).lruCacheStats()
val randomAccessStats =
"RandomAccess[" +
"bytes=${sourceProvider.randomAccessByteReads}," +
"reads=${sourceProvider.randomAccessReadCount}," +
"travel=${sourceProvider.randomAccessByteTravel}," +
"range=${sourceProvider.byteTravelRange}," +
"size=${heapDumpFile.length()}" +
val stats = "$lruCacheStats $randomAccessStats"
result.copy(metadata = result.metadata + ("Stats" to stats))
} else result