

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file contains a test class SharkLogTest that tests the logging functionality of the SharkLog class.


logging works when logger is set

This test method verifies that the debug logging works correctly when a logger is set. It creates a StreamLogger and sets it as the logger for SharkLog. Then it logs a debug message using a lambda expression and asserts that the output stream contains the expected message.

logging with exception works when logger is set

This test method verifies that logging with an exception works correctly when a logger is set. It creates a StreamLogger and sets it as the logger for SharkLog. Then it logs an exception and a debug message using a lambda expression and asserts that the output stream contains the expected message.

logging is no-op without logger and string is ignored

This test method verifies that logging is a no-op when no logger is set and the string is ignored. It sets the SharkLog logger to null and attempts to log a message and an exception. This test is primarily to ensure that no exceptions are thrown when logging is performed without a logger.



This class is a test class that tests the logging functionality of the SharkLog class. It contains three test methods described above.

package shark

import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.Test
import shark.SharkLog.Logger

class SharkLogTest {

  private class StreamLogger(private val stream: PrintStream) : Logger {
    override fun d(message: String) = stream.print(message)
    override fun d(
      throwable: Throwable,
      message: String
    ) = stream.print("$message ${throwable.message}")

  @Test fun `logging works when logger is set`() {
    val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()

    SharkLog.logger = StreamLogger(PrintStream(outputStream))

    // Test debug logging
    SharkLog.d { "Test debug" }
    assertThat(outputStream.toString()).isEqualTo("Test debug")

  @Test fun `logging with exception works when logger is set`() {
    val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()

    SharkLog.logger = StreamLogger(PrintStream(outputStream))

    // Test error logging
    SharkLog.d(Exception("Test exception")) { "Test error" }
    assertThat(outputStream.toString()).isEqualTo("Test error Test exception")

  @Test fun `logging is no-op without logger and string is ignored`() {
    SharkLog.logger = null

    // Logging message will throw an exception when attempting to use it
    // But since it's in lambda string will not be accessed
    SharkLog.d { "".substring(1) }

    SharkLog.d(Exception("Test exception")) { "".substring(1) }