This file contains the definition of a data class called LeakTraceObject
in the shark
package. It represents an object in a leak trace, providing information such as the object's type, class name, labels, leaking status, and retained heap size. It also includes helper methods for converting the object to a string and converting byte counts to a human-readable format.
package shark
import shark.LeakTrace.Companion.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.NOT_LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.UNKNOWN
import shark.internal.lastSegment
import java.io.Serializable
import java.util.Locale
import kotlin.math.ln
import kotlin.math.pow
data class LeakTraceObject(
val type: ObjectType,
* Class name of the object.
* The class name format is the same as what would be returned by [Class.getName].
val className: String,
* Labels that were computed during analysis. A label provides extra information that helps
* understand the state of the leak trace object.
val labels: Set<String>,
val leakingStatus: LeakingStatus,
val leakingStatusReason: String,
* The minimum number of bytes which would be freed if all references to this object were
* released. Not null only if the retained heap size was computed AND [leakingStatus] is
* equal to [LeakingStatus.UNKNOWN] or [LeakingStatus.LEAKING].
val retainedHeapByteSize: Int?,
* The minimum number of objects which would be unreachable if all references to this object were
* released. Not null only if the retained heap size was computed AND [leakingStatus] is
* equal to [LeakingStatus.UNKNOWN] or [LeakingStatus.LEAKING].
val retainedObjectCount: Int?
) : Serializable {
* Returns {@link #className} without the package, ie stripped of any string content before the
* last period (included).
val classSimpleName: String get() = className.lastSegment('.')
val typeName
get() = type.name.toLowerCase(Locale.US)
override fun toString(): String {
val firstLinePrefix = ""
val additionalLinesPrefix = "$ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE "
return toString(firstLinePrefix, additionalLinesPrefix, true)
internal fun toString(
firstLinePrefix: String,
additionalLinesPrefix: String,
showLeakingStatus: Boolean,
typeName: String = this.typeName
): String {
val leakStatus = when (leakingStatus) {
NOT_LEAKING -> "NO ($leakingStatusReason)"
LEAKING -> "YES ($leakingStatusReason)"
var result = ""
result += "$firstLinePrefix$className $typeName"
if (showLeakingStatus) {
result += "\n${additionalLinesPrefix}Leaking: $leakStatus"
if (retainedHeapByteSize != null) {
val humanReadableRetainedHeapSize =
result += "\n${additionalLinesPrefix}Retaining $humanReadableRetainedHeapSize in $retainedObjectCount objects"
for (label in labels) {
result += "\n${additionalLinesPrefix}$label"
return result
enum class ObjectType {
enum class LeakingStatus {
/** The object was needed and therefore expected to be reachable. */
/** The object was no longer needed and therefore expected to be unreachable. */
/** No decision can be made about the provided object. */
companion object {
private const val serialVersionUID = -3616216391305196341L
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/3758880
private fun humanReadableByteCount(bytes: Long): String {
val unit = 1000
if (bytes < unit) return "$bytes B"
val exp = (ln(bytes.toDouble()) / ln(unit.toDouble())).toInt()
val pre = "kMGTPE"[exp - 1]
return String.format("%.1f %sB", bytes / unit.toDouble().pow(exp.toDouble()), pre)