

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file contains the code for the TreeMapScreen in the LeakCanary app. It includes a ViewModel class (TreeMapViewModel) and a Composable function (TreeMapScreen) that uses this ViewModel. The file also defines a few helper classes and functions used in the creation of a Treemap visualization.



This sealed interface defines the possible states of the TreeMap screen. There are two states: Loading, which represents that the Treemap is still loading, and Success, which contains the dominators data for the Treemap.


This class is a ViewModel that handles the state of the TreeMap screen. It receives a Navigator instance through dependency injection and exposes the state of the Treemap screen as a Flow of TreeMapState objects.


This class is responsible for mapping objects to the Treemap input structure. It takes a map of dominators and creates a Treemap input node for a given object. The mapToTreemapInput function recursively builds the Treemap input nodes based on the dominator information.


The file does not define any methods.

package org.leakcanary.screens

import androidx.compose.material3.Text
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.collectAsState
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import androidx.compose.ui.text.ExperimentalTextApi
import androidx.compose.ui.text.drawText
import androidx.compose.ui.text.rememberTextMeasurer
import androidx.compose.ui.tooling.preview.Preview
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel.compose.viewModel
import java.util.EnumSet
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import leakcanary.AndroidDebugHeapDumper
import org.leakcanary.WhileSubscribedOrRetained
import org.leakcanary.screens.Destination.TreeMapDestination
import org.leakcanary.screens.TreeMapState.Loading
import org.leakcanary.screens.TreeMapState.Success
import org.leakcanary.screens.TreemapLayout.NodeValue
import shark.AndroidReferenceMatchers
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
import shark.IgnoredReferenceMatcher
import shark.ObjectDominators
import shark.ObjectDominators.OfflineDominatorNode
import shark.ValueHolder

sealed interface TreeMapState {
  object Loading : TreeMapState
  class Success(val dominators: Map<Long, OfflineDominatorNode>) : TreeMapState

class TreeMapViewModel @Inject constructor(
  navigator: Navigator
) : ViewModel() {

  val state =
      .flatMapLatest { destination ->
        viewModelScope, started = WhileSubscribedOrRetained, initialValue = Loading

  private fun stateStream(heapDump: File) = flow<TreeMapState> {
    val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
      heapDump.openHeapGraph().use { heapGraph ->
        val weakAndFinalizerRefs = EnumSet.of(
          AndroidReferenceMatchers.REFERENCES, AndroidReferenceMatchers.FINALIZER_WATCHDOG_DAEMON
        val ignoredRefs =
          AndroidReferenceMatchers.buildKnownReferences(weakAndFinalizerRefs).map { matcher ->
            matcher as IgnoredReferenceMatcher

        ObjectDominators().buildOfflineDominatorTree(heapGraph, ignoredRefs)

@Composable fun TreeMapScreen(viewModel: TreeMapViewModel = viewModel()) {
  val stateProp by viewModel.state.collectAsState()

  when (val state = stateProp) {
    is Loading -> {

    is Success -> {
      val dominators = state.dominators
      val root = ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE
      val treemapInput = DominatorNodeMapper(
        dominators = dominators,
        // TODO Ideally depth & min size would be handled dynamically
        // by the layout algo based on available space, so as not to keep rectangles
        // large enough.
        maxDepth = 1,
        minSize = 10000
      Treemap(treemapInput) { dominators.getValue(it).name }

class DominatorNodeMapper(
  private val dominators: Map<Long, OfflineDominatorNode>,
  private val maxDepth: Int,
  private val minSize: Int
) {

  fun mapToTreemapInput(
    objectId: Long,
    depth: Int = 0
  ): NodeValue<Long> {
    val offlineNode = dominators.getValue(objectId)
    val node = offlineNode.node
    val children = if (depth > maxDepth) {
    } else {
      node.dominatedObjectIds.mapNotNull { dominatedObjectId ->
        val node = dominators.getValue(dominatedObjectId).node
        // Ignoring small nodes.
        if ((node.shallowSize + node.retainedSize) >= minSize) {
          mapToTreemapInput(dominatedObjectId, depth + 1)
        } else {
    val value = if (objectId == ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE) {
      // Root is a forest, retained size isn't computed.
      node.dominatedObjectIds.sumOf { dominatedObjectId ->
        val childNode = dominators.getValue(dominatedObjectId).node
        childNode.shallowSize + childNode.retainedSize
    } else {
      node.shallowSize + node.retainedSize
    return NodeValue(
      value = value,
      content = objectId,
      children = children

fun OnDeviceHeapTreemapPreview() {
  val filesDir = LocalContext.current.filesDir
  val heapDumpFile = File(filesDir, "heapdump-${System.currentTimeMillis()}.hprof")
  val dominators = heapDumpFile.openHeapGraph().use { heapGraph ->
    val weakAndFinalizerRefs = EnumSet.of(
      AndroidReferenceMatchers.REFERENCES, AndroidReferenceMatchers.FINALIZER_WATCHDOG_DAEMON
    val ignoredRefs =
      AndroidReferenceMatchers.buildKnownReferences(weakAndFinalizerRefs).map { matcher ->
        matcher as IgnoredReferenceMatcher

    ObjectDominators().buildOfflineDominatorTree(heapGraph, ignoredRefs)
  val root = ValueHolder.NULL_REFERENCE
  val treemapInput = DominatorNodeMapper(
    dominators = dominators,
    // TODO Ideally depth & min size would be handled dynamically
    // by the layout algo based on available space, so as not to keep rectangles
    // large enough.
    maxDepth = 1,
    minSize = 10000
  Treemap(treemapInput) { dominators.getValue(it).name }

fun TreemapPreview() {
  val root = NodeValue(
        10, "A", listOf(
        NodeValue(5, "A1", emptyList()),
        NodeValue(5, "A2", emptyList())
      NodeValue(5, "B", emptyList()),
      NodeValue(5, "C", emptyList()),
      NodeValue(5, "D", emptyList()),
  Treemap(root, text = { it })

fun <T> Treemap(
  root: NodeValue<T>,
  text: (T) -> String
) {
  // TODO Colors should be a gradient related to depth
  //  Try colors from
  //  Also colors as related to the node.
  //  d3.scaleSequential([8, 0], d3.interpolateMagma)
  val colors = listOf(
    Color(169, 64, 119),
    Color(206, 88, 98),
    Color(237, 143, 106),
    Color(253, 253, 198),
  val textMeasure = rememberTextMeasurer()

  Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {

    val layout = TreemapLayout<T>(
      // TODO This isn't working
      paddingInner = { 0f },
      paddingLeft = { 32f },
      paddingTop = { 64f },
      paddingRight = { 32f },
      paddingBottom = { 32f }

    ).layout(root, size)

    layout.depthFirstTraversal { node ->
      val topLeft = node.topLeft
      val size = node.size
        topLeft = node.topLeft + Offset(1f, 1f),
        size = Size(node.size.width, node.size.height)
      val leftX = topLeft.x
      val topY = topLeft.y
      val rightX = topLeft.x + size.width - 1
      val bottomY = topLeft.y + size.height - 1
      drawLine(color = Color.Black, start = topLeft, end = Offset(rightX, topY), strokeWidth = 2f)
      drawLine(color = Color.Black, start = topLeft, end = Offset(leftX, bottomY), strokeWidth = 2f)
      drawLine(color = Color.Black, start = Offset(leftX, bottomY), end = Offset(rightX, bottomY), strokeWidth = 2f)
      drawLine(color = Color.Black, start = Offset(rightX, topY), end = Offset(rightX, bottomY), strokeWidth = 2f)
      // TODO Figure out what's up with negative numbers
      // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: maxHeight(-1233) must be >= than minHeight(0)
      // if (node.x0 > 0 && node.y0 > 0) {
        textMeasurer = textMeasure,
        text = text(node.content),
        topLeft = node.topLeft + Offset(4f, 4f)
      // }