

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



The LogcatSharkLog.kt file in the leakcanary package provides a class LogcatSharkLog that implements the Logger interface from the shark.SharkLog package. This class is used for logging messages and stack traces to the Android logcat. It also includes a companion object with a method install() that can be used to install an instance of LogcatSharkLog as the logger for shark.SharkLog.



The LogcatSharkLog class is a logger implementation that logs messages and stack traces to the Android logcat. It implements the Logger interface from the shark.SharkLog package. It provides the following methods:

  • d(message: String): Logs a debug level message to the logcat. If the message length is less than 4000 characters, it is logged as is. Otherwise, it logs each line of the message separately.
  • d(throwable: Throwable, message: String): Logs a debug level message along with the stack trace of a throwable to the logcat. It calls the d method with the combined message and the stack trace string obtained from Log.getStackTraceString(throwable).

Companion Object


The install() method is a companion object function that can be used to install an instance of LogcatSharkLog as the logger for shark.SharkLog. This method sets the SharkLog.logger property to an instance of LogcatSharkLog.

package leakcanary

import android.util.Log
import shark.SharkLog
import shark.SharkLog.Logger

class LogcatSharkLog : Logger {

  override fun d(message: String) {
    if (message.length < 4000) {
      Log.d("LeakCanary", message)
    } else {
      message.lines().forEach { line ->
        Log.d("LeakCanary", line)

  override fun d(
    throwable: Throwable,
    message: String
  ) {

  companion object {
    fun install() {
      SharkLog.logger = LogcatSharkLog()