

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:38



The Benchmark file provides a set of tools for benchmarking and tracing blocks of code. It includes two methods:


Executes a given function twice: first, without method tracing to load any necessary libraries, and second, with method tracing. Returns the result of the function execution.


Executes a given function multiple times, measuring the average execution time. Logs the results of the measurement to LogCat at each iteration and at the end of the measurement. Returns the result of the function execution.

package leakcanary

import android.os.SystemClock
import leakcanary.Profiler.runWithMethodTracing
import shark.SharkLog

 * Set of tools for benchmarking and tracing blocks of code
object Benchmark {

   * Executes the given function [block] twice (without and with method tracing to SD card) and
   * returns the result of the function execution.
   * First execution of [block] is done to warm up code and load any necessary libs. Second
   * execution is measured with [runWithMethodTracing]
  fun <T> benchmarkWithMethodTracing(block: () -> T): T {
    SharkLog.d { "Dry run to warm up the code." }
    SharkLog.d { "Run with sampling" }
    return runWithMethodTracing(block)

   * Executes the given function [block] multiple times measuring the average execution time and
   * returns the result of the function execution.
   * Number of executions is [times] + 1, where 1 execution is done for code warm up and other
   * [times] executions are measured. Results of measurement will be outputted to LogCat at each
   * iteration and in the end of measurement.
  fun <T> benchmarkCode(
    times: Int = 10,
    block: () -> T
  ): T {
    // Warm-up run, no benchmarking
    val result = block()
    val measurements = mutableListOf<Long>()
    repeat(times) {
      val start = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
      val end = SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
      SharkLog.d { "BenchmarkCode, iteration ${it + 1}/$times, duration ${end - start}" }
      measurements.add(end - start)
    val median: Double = if (times % 2 == 0) {
      (measurements[times / 2] + measurements[times / 2 - 1]).toDouble() / 2
    } else {
      measurements[times / 2].toDouble()
    SharkLog.d {
      "BenchmarkCode complete, $times iterations. Durations (ms): median $median, " +
        "min ${measurements.first()}, max ${measurements.last()}"
    return result