

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:39



This file contains the LeakTrace class, which represents the best strong reference path from a GC root to a leaking object. It also includes nested classes and methods for manipulating and analyzing leak trace data.



The LeakTrace class represents the strongest reference path from a GC root to a leaking object. It includes the following properties:

  • gcRootType: The type of the GC root that references the leak trace.
  • referencePath: A list of LeakTraceReference objects representing the reference path to the leaking object.
  • leakingObject: The leaking object.

It also provides the following methods:

  • retainedHeapByteSize: Returns the minimum number of bytes that would be freed if the leak was fixed.
  • retainedObjectCount: Returns the minimum number of objects that would be unreachable if the leak was fixed.
  • suspectReferenceSubpath: Returns a subpath of the referencePath that contains the references suspected to cause the leak.
  • signature: Returns a SHA1 hash that represents the leak trace.
  • referencePathElementIsSuspect(index: Int): Returns true if the reference path element at the provided index contains a reference that is suspected to cause the leak.
  • toString(): Returns a string representation of the leak trace.
  • toSimplePathString(): Returns a simplified string representation of the leak trace.


An enum class representing the different types of GC roots. It includes the following values:

  • JNI_GLOBAL: Global variable in native code
  • JNI_LOCAL: Local variable in native code
  • JAVA_FRAME: Java local variable
  • NATIVE_STACK: Input or output parameters in native code
  • STICKY_CLASS: System class
  • THREAD_BLOCK: Thread block
  • MONITOR_USED: Monitor (anything that called the wait() or notify() methods, or that is synchronized.)
  • THREAD_OBJECT: Thread object
  • JNI_MONITOR: Root JNI monitor

Companion Object

The companion object of the LeakTrace class includes the following functions:

  • fromGcRoot(gcRoot: GcRoot): Returns the corresponding GcRootType for a given GcRoot.



This method is a private helper method used to generate the string representation of the next element in the reference path.



A constant representing a zero-width space character.


A constant representing the version number used for serialization.

package shark

import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.NOT_LEAKING
import shark.LeakTraceObject.LeakingStatus.UNKNOWN
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.INSTANCE_FIELD
import shark.LeakTraceReference.ReferenceType.STATIC_FIELD
import shark.internal.createSHA1Hash

 * The best strong reference path from a GC root to the leaking object. "Best" here means the
 * shortest prioritized path. A large number of distinct paths can generally be found leading
 * to a leaking object. Shark prioritizes paths that don't go through known
 * [LibraryLeakReferenceMatcher] (because those are known to create leaks so it's more interesting
 * to find other paths causing leaks), then it prioritize paths that don't go through java local
 * gc roots (because those are harder to reason about). Taking those priorities into account,
 * finding the shortest path means there are less [LeakTraceReference] that can be suspected to
 * cause the leak.
data class LeakTrace(
   * The Garbage Collection root that references the [LeakTraceReference.originObject] in
   * the first [LeakTraceReference] of [referencePath].
  val gcRootType: GcRootType,
  val referencePath: List<LeakTraceReference>,
  val leakingObject: LeakTraceObject
) : Serializable {

   * The minimum number of bytes which would be freed if the leak was fixed.
   * Null if the retained heap size was not computed.
  val retainedHeapByteSize: Int?
    get() {
      val allObjects = listOf(leakingObject) + { it.originObject }
      return allObjects.filter { it.leakingStatus == LEAKING }
        .mapNotNull { it.retainedHeapByteSize }
        // The minimum released is the max held by a leaking object.

   * The minimum number of objects which would be unreachable if the leak was fixed. Null if the
   * retained heap size was not computed.
  val retainedObjectCount: Int?
    get() {
      val allObjects = listOf(leakingObject) + { it.originObject }
      return allObjects.filter { it.leakingStatus == LEAKING }
        .mapNotNull { it.retainedObjectCount }
        // The minimum released is the max held by a leaking object.

   * A part of [referencePath] that contains the references suspected to cause the leak.
   * Starts at the last non leaking object and ends before the first leaking object.
  val suspectReferenceSubpath
    get() = referencePath.asSequence()
      .filterIndexed { index, _ ->

   * A SHA1 hash that represents this leak trace. This can be useful to group together similar
   * leak traces.
   * The signature is a hash of [suspectReferenceSubpath].
  val signature: String
    get() = suspectReferenceSubpath
      .joinToString(separator = "") { element ->
        element.originObject.className + element.referenceGenericName

   * Returns true if the [referencePath] element at the provided [index] contains a reference
   * that is suspected to cause the leak, ie if [index] is greater than or equal to the index
   * of the [LeakTraceReference] of the last non leaking object and strictly lower than the index
   * of the [LeakTraceReference] of the first leaking object.
  fun referencePathElementIsSuspect(index: Int): Boolean {
    return when (referencePath[index].originObject.leakingStatus) {
      UNKNOWN -> true
      NOT_LEAKING -> index == referencePath.lastIndex ||
        referencePath[index + 1].originObject.leakingStatus != NOT_LEAKING
      else -> false

  override fun toString(): String = leakTraceAsString(showLeakingStatus = true)

  fun toSimplePathString(): String = leakTraceAsString(showLeakingStatus = false)

  private fun leakTraceAsString(showLeakingStatus: Boolean): String {
    var result = """
        │ GC Root: ${gcRootType.description}

    referencePath.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
      val originObject = element.originObject
      result += "\n"
      result += originObject.toString(
        firstLinePrefix = "├─ ",
        additionalLinesPrefix = "│    ",
        showLeakingStatus = showLeakingStatus,
        typeName = originObject.typeName
      result += getNextElementString(this, element, index, showLeakingStatus)

    result += "\n"
    result += leakingObject.toString(
      firstLinePrefix = "╰→ ",
      additionalLinesPrefix = "$ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE     ",
      showLeakingStatus = showLeakingStatus
    return result

  enum class GcRootType(val description: String) {
    JNI_GLOBAL("Global variable in native code"),
    JNI_LOCAL("Local variable in native code"),
    JAVA_FRAME("Java local variable"),
    NATIVE_STACK("Input or output parameters in native code"),
    STICKY_CLASS("System class"),
    THREAD_BLOCK("Thread block"),
      "Monitor (anything that called the wait() or notify() methods, or that is synchronized.)"
    THREAD_OBJECT("Thread object"),
    JNI_MONITOR("Root JNI monitor"),

    companion object {
      fun fromGcRoot(gcRoot: GcRoot): GcRootType = when (gcRoot) {
        is GcRoot.JniGlobal -> JNI_GLOBAL
        is GcRoot.JniLocal -> JNI_LOCAL
        is GcRoot.JavaFrame -> JAVA_FRAME
        is GcRoot.NativeStack -> NATIVE_STACK
        is GcRoot.StickyClass -> STICKY_CLASS
        is GcRoot.ThreadBlock -> THREAD_BLOCK
        is GcRoot.MonitorUsed -> MONITOR_USED
        is GcRoot.ThreadObject -> THREAD_OBJECT
        is GcRoot.JniMonitor -> JNI_MONITOR
        else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unexpected gc root $gcRoot")

  companion object {
    private fun getNextElementString(
      leakTrace: LeakTrace,
      reference: LeakTraceReference,
      index: Int,
      showLeakingStatus: Boolean
    ): String {
      val static = if (reference.referenceType == STATIC_FIELD) " static" else ""

      val referenceLinePrefix = "    ↓$static ${reference.owningClassSimpleName.removeSuffix("[]")}" +
       when (reference.referenceType) {
         else -> ""

      val referenceName = reference.referenceDisplayName
      val referenceLine = referenceLinePrefix + referenceName

      return if (showLeakingStatus && leakTrace.referencePathElementIsSuspect(index)) {
        val spaces = " ".repeat(referenceLinePrefix.length)
        val underline = "~".repeat(referenceName.length)
      } else {

    internal const val ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = '\u200b'
    private const val serialVersionUID = -6315725584154386429