

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:40



The provided file, sidebar_test.go, contains two test functions: TestSidebar and TestHideUnhideBoard, which test the functionality of the sidebar in an integration test environment. The tests include creating boards and categories, moving boards between categories, hiding and unhiding boards, and verifying the expected behavior.


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package integrationtests

import (


func TestSidebar(t *testing.T) {
	th := SetupTestHelperWithToken(t).Start()
	defer th.TearDown()

	// we'll create a new board.
	// The board should end up in a default "Boards" category
	board := th.CreateBoard("team-id", "O")

	categoryBoards := th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards))
	require.Equal(t, "Boards", categoryBoards[0].Name)
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata))
	require.Equal(t, board.ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)

	// create a new category, a new board
	// and move that board into the new category
	board2 := th.CreateBoard("team-id", "O")
	category := th.CreateCategory(model.Category{
		Name:   "Category 2",
		TeamID: "team-id",
		UserID: "single-user",
	th.UpdateCategoryBoard("team-id", category.ID, board2.ID)

	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	// now there should be two categories - boards and the one
	// we created just now
	require.Equal(t, 2, len(categoryBoards))

	// the newly created category should be the first one array
	// as new categories end up on top in LHS
	require.Equal(t, "Category 2", categoryBoards[0].Name)
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata))
	require.Equal(t, board2.ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)

	// now we'll delete the custom category we created, "Category 2"
	// and all it's boards should get moved to the Boards category
	th.DeleteCategory("team-id", category.ID)
	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards))
	require.Equal(t, "Boards", categoryBoards[0].Name)
	require.Equal(t, 2, len(categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata))
	require.Contains(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata, model.CategoryBoardMetadata{BoardID: board.ID, Hidden: false})
	require.Contains(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata, model.CategoryBoardMetadata{BoardID: board2.ID, Hidden: false})

func TestHideUnhideBoard(t *testing.T) {
	th := SetupTestHelperWithToken(t).Start()
	defer th.TearDown()

	// we'll create a new board.
	// The board should end up in a default "Boards" category
	th.CreateBoard("team-id", "O")

	// the created board should not be hidden
	categoryBoards := th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards))
	require.Equal(t, "Boards", categoryBoards[0].Name)
	require.Equal(t, 1, len(categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata))
	require.False(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].Hidden)

	// now we'll hide the board
	response := th.Client.HideBoard("team-id", categoryBoards[0].ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)

	// verifying if the board has been marked as hidden
	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.True(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].Hidden)

	// trying to hide the already hidden board.This should have no effect
	response = th.Client.HideBoard("team-id", categoryBoards[0].ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)
	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.True(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].Hidden)

	// now we'll unhide the board
	response = th.Client.UnhideBoard("team-id", categoryBoards[0].ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)

	// verifying
	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.False(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].Hidden)

	// trying to unhide the already visible board.This should have no effect
	response = th.Client.UnhideBoard("team-id", categoryBoards[0].ID, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].BoardID)
	categoryBoards = th.GetUserCategoryBoards("team-id")
	require.False(t, categoryBoards[0].BoardMetadata[0].Hidden)