

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:51



This file defines the Auth struct and the AuthInterface interface. The Auth struct has methods for retrieving user sessions, validating read tokens for a board, and checking if a user has access to a team.



This method retrieves a user's active session and refreshes the session if needed.


This method validates the read token for a board.


This method checks if a user has access to a team.

//go:generate mockgen -destination=mocks/mockauth_interface.go -package mocks . AuthInterface
package auth

import (

type AuthInterface interface {
	GetSession(token string) (*model.Session, error)
	IsValidReadToken(boardID string, readToken string) (bool, error)
	DoesUserHaveTeamAccess(userID string, teamID string) bool

// Auth authenticates sessions.
type Auth struct {
	config      *config.Configuration
	store       store.Store
	permissions permissions.PermissionsService

// New returns a new Auth.
func New(config *config.Configuration, store store.Store, permissions permissions.PermissionsService) *Auth {
	return &Auth{config: config, store: store, permissions: permissions}

// GetSession Get a user active session and refresh the session if needed.
func (a *Auth) GetSession(token string) (*model.Session, error) {
	if len(token) < 1 {
		return nil, errors.New("no session token")

	session, err :=, a.config.SessionExpireTime)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get the session for the token")
	if session.UpdateAt < (utils.GetMillis() - utils.SecondsToMillis(a.config.SessionRefreshTime)) {
		_ =
	return session, nil

// IsValidReadToken validates the read token for a board.
func (a *Auth) IsValidReadToken(boardID string, readToken string) (bool, error) {
	sharing, err :=
	if model.IsErrNotFound(err) {
		return false, nil
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	if !a.config.EnablePublicSharedBoards {
		return false, errors.New("public shared boards disabled")

	if sharing != nil && (sharing.ID == boardID && sharing.Enabled && sharing.Token == readToken) {
		return true, nil

	return false, nil

func (a *Auth) DoesUserHaveTeamAccess(userID string, teamID string) bool {
	return a.permissions.HasPermissionToTeam(userID, teamID, model.PermissionViewTeam)