

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



The plugin_delivery.go file provides a PluginDelivery struct and a set of methods for sending notifications to direct message channels via the Mattermost plugin API.



Creates a PluginDelivery instance with the provided botID, serverRoot, and servicesAPI.



Defines a set of methods for interacting with Mattermost API related to direct message channels and user management.

Some methods include:

  • GetDirectChannelOrCreate: gets a direct message channel or creates one if it does not already exist.
  • CreatePost: creates a post.
  • GetUserByID: gets a user by their ID.
  • GetUserByUsername: gets a user by their username.
  • GetTeamMember: gets a team member by their user ID.
  • GetChannelByID: gets a channel by its ID.
  • GetChannelMember: gets a channel member by userID.
  • CreateMember: adds a user to the specified team.



The PluginDelivery struct provides the ability to send notifications to direct message channels via the Mattermost plugin API. It has the following properties:

  • botID: the ID of the bot used for sending notifications
  • serverRoot: the root URL of the Mattermost server
  • api: an instance of servicesAPI for interacting with the Mattermost API.


// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

package plugindelivery

import (
	mm_model ""

type servicesAPI interface {
	// GetDirectChannelOrCreate gets a direct message channel,
	// or creates one if it does not already exist
	GetDirectChannelOrCreate(userID1, userID2 string) (*mm_model.Channel, error)

	// CreatePost creates a post.
	CreatePost(post *mm_model.Post) (*mm_model.Post, error)

	// GetUserByID gets a user by their ID.
	GetUserByID(userID string) (*mm_model.User, error)

	// GetUserByUsername gets a user by their username.
	GetUserByUsername(name string) (*mm_model.User, error)

	// GetTeamMember gets a team member by their user id.
	GetTeamMember(teamID string, userID string) (*mm_model.TeamMember, error)

	// GetChannelByID gets a Channel by its ID.
	GetChannelByID(channelID string) (*mm_model.Channel, error)

	// GetChannelMember gets a channel member by userID.
	GetChannelMember(channelID string, userID string) (*mm_model.ChannelMember, error)

	// CreateMember adds a user to the specified team. Safe to call if the user is
	// already a member of the team.
	CreateMember(teamID string, userID string) (*mm_model.TeamMember, error)

// PluginDelivery provides ability to send notifications to direct message channels via Mattermost plugin API.
type PluginDelivery struct {
	botID      string
	serverRoot string
	api        servicesAPI

// New creates a PluginDelivery instance.
func New(botID string, serverRoot string, api servicesAPI) *PluginDelivery {
	return &PluginDelivery{
		botID:      botID,
		serverRoot: serverRoot,
		api:        api,