

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:47



This file contains the implementation of the SelectProperty class, which is a subclass of PropertyType. It includes methods and properties related to the "Select" property type used in the application.



This class represents the "Select" property type. It extends the PropertyType class and inherits its methods and properties. It provides implementation for the following methods:

  • displayName: Returns the display name of the property type in the specified language.
  • displayValue: Returns the display value of a given property value for a card and property template. It retrieves the corresponding option value from the template's options and returns it, or '(Unknown)' if not found.
  • valueLength: Returns the length of the formatted display value of a property value for a card and property template. It calculates the width of the display value in the specified font.



// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
import {IntlShape} from 'react-intl'

import {IPropertyTemplate} from '../../blocks/board'
import {Card} from '../../blocks/card'
import {Utils} from '../../utils'
import {PropertyType, PropertyTypeEnum, FilterValueType} from '../types'

import Select from './select'

export default class SelectProperty extends PropertyType {
    Editor = Select
    name = 'Select'
    type = 'select' as PropertyTypeEnum
    canGroup = true
    canFilter = true
    filterValueType = 'options' as FilterValueType

    displayName = (intl: IntlShape) => intl.formatMessage({id: 'PropertyType.Select', defaultMessage: 'Select'})

    displayValue = (propertyValue: string | string[] | undefined, card: Card, propertyTemplate: IPropertyTemplate) => {
        if (propertyValue) {
            const option = propertyTemplate.options.find((o) => === propertyValue)
            if (!option) {
                Utils.assertFailure(`Invalid select option ID ${propertyValue}, block.title: ${card.title}`)
            return option?.value || '(Unknown)'
        return ''

    valueLength = (value: string | string[] | undefined, card: Card, template: IPropertyTemplate, _: IntlShape, fontDescriptor: string): number => {
        const displayValue = this.displayValue(value, card, template) || ''
        return Utils.getTextWidth(displayValue.toString().toUpperCase(), fontDescriptor)