

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:41



This file contains the definition of two types: Subscription and Subscriber, along with their associated methods and a custom error type. The Subscription type represents a subscription to a board, card, etc. It has several properties such as BlockType, BlockID, SubscriberType, and SubscriberID. The Subscriber type represents an entity (e.g. user, channel) that can subscribe to events from boards, cards, etc. It has properties like SubscriberType, SubscriberID, and NotifiedAt.



This method is associated with the Subscription type and validates if the subscription is valid by checking if all required fields are present and the SubscriberType is valid.

SubscriptionFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*Subscription, error)

This method is associated with the Subscription type and takes a JSON data reader as input. It decodes the JSON data into a Subscription struct and returns a pointer to it, along with an error if any.


This method is associated with the SubscriberType type and validates if the subscriber type is valid by checking if it is one of the predefined types: "user" or "channel".



This class represents a subscription to a board, card, etc. It has properties such as BlockType, BlockID, SubscriberType, SubscriberID, NotifiedAt, CreateAt, and DeleteAt.


This class represents an entity (e.g. user, channel) that can subscribe to events from boards, cards, etc. It has properties such as SubscriberType, SubscriberID, and NotifiedAt.

package model

import (

const (
	SubTypeUser    = "user"
	SubTypeChannel = "channel"

type SubscriberType string

func (st SubscriberType) IsValid() bool {
	switch st {
	case SubTypeUser, SubTypeChannel:
		return true
	return false

// Subscription is a subscription to a board, card, etc, for a user or channel.
// swagger:model
type Subscription struct {
	// BlockType is the block type of the entity (e.g. board, card) subscribed to
	// required: true
	BlockType BlockType `json:"blockType"`

	// BlockID is id of the entity being subscribed to
	// required: true
	BlockID string `json:"blockId"`

	// SubscriberType is the type of the entity (e.g. user, channel) that is subscribing
	// required: true
	SubscriberType SubscriberType `json:"subscriberType"`

	// SubscriberID is the id of the entity that is subscribing
	// required: true
	SubscriberID string `json:"subscriberId"`

	// NotifiedAt is the timestamp of the last notification sent for this subscription
	// required: true
	NotifiedAt int64 `json:"notifiedAt,omitempty"`

	// CreatedAt is the timestamp this subscription was created in miliseconds since the current epoch
	// required: true
	CreateAt int64 `json:"createAt"`

	// DeleteAt is the timestamp this subscription was deleted in miliseconds since the current epoch, or zero if not deleted
	// required: true
	DeleteAt int64 `json:"deleteAt"`

func (s *Subscription) IsValid() error {
	if s == nil {
		return ErrInvalidSubscription{"cannot be nil"}
	if s.BlockID == "" {
		return ErrInvalidSubscription{"missing block id"}
	if s.BlockType == "" {
		return ErrInvalidSubscription{"missing block type"}
	if s.SubscriberID == "" {
		return ErrInvalidSubscription{"missing subscriber id"}
	if !s.SubscriberType.IsValid() {
		return ErrInvalidSubscription{"invalid subscriber type"}
	return nil

func SubscriptionFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*Subscription, error) {
	var subscription Subscription
	if err := json.NewDecoder(data).Decode(&subscription); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &subscription, nil

type ErrInvalidSubscription struct {
	msg string

func (e ErrInvalidSubscription) Error() string {
	return e.msg

// Subscriber is an entity (e.g. user, channel) that can subscribe to events from boards, cards, etc
// swagger:model
type Subscriber struct {
	// SubscriberType is the type of the entity (e.g. user, channel) that is subscribing
	// required: true
	SubscriberType SubscriberType `json:"subscriber_type"`

	// SubscriberID is the id of the entity that is subscribing
	// required: true
	SubscriberID string `json:"subscriber_id"`

	// NotifiedAt is the timestamp this subscriber was last notified
	NotifiedAt int64 `json:"notified_at"`