

Last updated at: 29/12/2023 09:49



This file contains the styling code for the "Create Category" feature in the project.



This class represents the modal component for creating a category. It sets the main color for the modal and contains styles for its child components.


This class represents the wrapper element inside the modal. It contains styles for the dialog element.


This class represents the dialog element inside the wrapper. It sets the width and height for the dialog.


This class represents the main component for creating a category. It sets the display, flex-direction, padding, and gap for its child components.


This class represents the wrapper element for the category name input. It sets the position, height, and padding for its child components.


This class represents the wrapper element for the close button inside the input wrapper. It sets the position, height, top, right, display, align-items, and padding for the close button.


This class represents the close button inside the input wrapper. It sets the cursor, font-size, color, and hover color for the close button.


This class represents the category name input element. It sets the width for the input.


This class represents the input element for the category name. It sets the height, font-size, border-radius, border, background, color, padding, flex, transition, and focus styles for the input.


This class represents the footer element at the bottom of the modal. It sets the display and flex-direction for its child components.


This class represents the actions for creating a category. It sets the display, flex-direction, margin-top, and gap for the actions.

.CreateCategoryModal {
    color: rgba(var(--center-channel-color-rgb));

    .wrapper {
        .dialog {
            width: 600px;
            height: auto;

    .CreateCategory {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        padding: 0 32px 24px;
        gap: 24px;

        .inputWrapper {
            position: relative;

            .inputWrapper__close-wrapper {
                position: absolute;
                height: 100%;
                top: 0;
                right: 0;
                display: flex;
                align-items: center;
                padding-right: 12px;

            .CloseCircle {
                cursor: pointer;
                font-size: 18px;
                color: rgba(var(--center-channel-color-rgb), 0.64);

                &:hover {
                    color: rgba(var(--center-channel-color-rgb), 0.8);

        .categoryNameInput {
            width: 100%;

        input {
            height: 48px;
            font-size: 16px;
            border-radius: 4px;
            border: 1px solid rgba(var(--center-channel-color-rgb), 0.16);
            background: var(--center-channel-bg);
            color: var(--center-channel-color);
            padding: 0 16px;
            flex: 1;
            transition: border 0.15s ease-in;

            &:focus {
                border-color: var(--button-bg);
                box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--button-bg);

        .footer {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: row;
            justify-content: flex-end;

        .createCategoryActions {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: row;
            justify-content: flex-end;
            margin-top: auto;
            gap: 12px;